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Hi guys! Queeny here, and I just want to say thank you for clicking on this book and reading something by an average author like me.

So, this story ties into Yona of the Dawn, and I know that it can be hard to keep track of all the characters, so please feel free to refer to this part as many times as you wish!

AKIRA: 17 years old. Birthday is January 2nd. 6 feet tall, slender from all her training. Pale white skin, bright, mysterious looking silver eyes, and a sly smirk usually on her face (forgive me if i use that term alot in the book) Waist length glossy, wavy black hair, worn loose. Uses martial arts and a Hsu Quandao as her weapon (It's like a long spear, also the same weapon Hak uses in AkaNoYona, don't judge me, I just thought it was a really cool weapon, and I am a Thunder Beast loving piece of trash) Known for her speed in battle, is like a black blur when fighting. Closed off when talking about family, and a cool attitude. No known surname.

SATO KAITO (or Kaito Sato, in an English format): 18 years old. Birthday is July 20th. 6 feet 5 inches, muscular (has a pretty chiseled six-pack) slightly tanned skin, short brown hair, green eyes. First prince of Hikari, more commonly known as Kai, known for his strength in battle. Uses twin swords and martial arts in battle. If pressed hard enough, he can snap his opponents' necks, but usually just sticks to his swords. Sarcastic, humorous personality, fiercely defends those close to him.

Sato Ichiro: 16 years old. Birthday is March 18th. 6 feet tall, slim and agile. Pale skin, honey blond hair and light blue eyes. Long distance fighter, excels in bow and arrows, as well as knife throwing. Uses some martial arts, but is more focused on stealth rather than brute strength. Outgoing and straightforward, he will tell the honest truth to everyone, but only when they ask. 2nd prince of Hikari, on good terms with his brother, and is the only one who can get away with calling Akira "Aki" or make her smile. Has had a crush on her since he first saw her.

Suzuki Kasumi: 16 years old. Birthday is June 14th. 5 feet 4 inches, thin and pale. Long, light brown hair, light brown eyes, and does not fight. Loves Kai, sunshine, flowers, Kai, pink, dresses, pink dresses, Kai, makeup, Kai, Kai, and Kai. Hates Akira, rain, darkness, Akira, nightmares, heights, Akira, messes, cheap jewelry, Akira, Akira, and Akira. Daughter of General Suzuki Akihiro, the best friend of the king and well known fighter. Kasumi usually has a cheerful personality, but has a sharp tongue and doesn't hesitate to insult those lower than her.

And there you have it! The 4 most prominent characters in the book, described to the point of my imagination being exhausted. Please look forward to future updates, and if you want to send me drawings of a character, please do! Comment, and tell me who your favorite character is!

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