Chapter Twenty-Three

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I observe the silver-eyed beauty for maybe a minute. Then, I let out a sigh and scratch my head. "And your request?" I inquire, moving quickly to another topic.

"I came to visit the palace library. And by visit, I mean breaking and entering, as well as stealing a few books." I, being a clever person and in full knowledge of Akira's personality, ignore her last remark and instead raise my eyebrow when she mentions the library. "I need to find some information on a specific topic. Now that you know I'm here, may as well let me, right?" she explains plainly.

I rest my chin on my hand, looking at her inquisitively. "And what topic is it that you wish to research?" Akira gives a smile. "Sorry, nothing too interesting. There's a legend that I assume you've heard of, The Tale of the Summer Dragon. I recently found out that it isn't just an old wives' tale." She lifts her sleeve, and a silver dragon that matches her eyes shines at me.

My eyes widen. "What..."

She goes into a long story about how her and the first prince of Hikari hold the world's destiny in the palm of their hands, and by the end of it, I'm tempted to run out the room screaming like a lunatic.

"So, basically...if you don't figure out how to bridge the gap between winter and summer, the entire world could be destroyed in the resulting chaos?" Akira taps her chin, then nods.

Oh gods.

I watch her for a few seconds, then I stand and give a nod. "Alright. Would you like me to show you the way?" She shakes her head. "I remember from when I was last here. Thank you for your help." She stands and bows respectfully, as do I, and she makes to exit the room, but at the last moment, turns and smiles at me. "You know, you're taking this a lot better than I thought. Good on you." I grin back. "Oh, you know me, always the rational one."

Akira gives a nostalgic laugh and leaves. Once I no longer hear her footsteps, I walk over to my bed, take a deep breath, and faint.

***Four years ago***

"Wait, Yona! Look out for the - "




I hurry over to help her up while Hak simply munches on his apple. "Princess, pay more attention. Otherwise, any idea you have will have no company other than the flies in your head." Her face nearly as red as her hair, Yona attempts to punch him, but instead winces and falls to the ground. "Ow!"

"Hey, what's wrong?" Hak and I ask, concerned. "Ngh...I think I twisted my ankle," she whimpers, and Hak examines her swollen ankle. "Yeah, that looks twisted. Here, I'll take you to the nurse." He kneels with his back to Yona and she climbs onto his back, locking her arms around his neck.

I follow after them as Hak carries her to the nurse.


"Ah, yes, that is a rather bad sprain. Stay in bed for today and rest up, it should be better soon," The nurse tells us as Yona lays in a futon. A towel that has been soaked in hot water is placed on her wrapped ankle, and we both sit beside her.

"You two should leave so she can rest," the nurse advises. "Eh, Soo-won too?" Yona whines, causing Hak to roll his eyes. "Nice to know I'm appreciated." Yona blushes. "W-well, Soo-won's different! You should act like him more, be a gentlemen!"

"Now where's the fun in that?" my friend asks, clearly bored, and leaves the room with a sour expression. "Ah, Hak-! Yona, that wasn't very nice," I say sadly. "But, he's always so mean. He called me an idiot before, remember?" I shake my head slightly. "But he also carried you here. I'll go find him. You try to sleep." She nods, looking defeated, and pulls the covers up to her chin. I exit the room in search of my friend.

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