Chapter Nineteen

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I'm so sorry for making you guys wait so long, but I didn't want to get sidetracked when I was working on this big Social Studies project.

I am home all summer, so I promise at least one chapter per week, maybe more. If I ever don't post, I haven't forgotten, but I will try to make up for it. SO LETS GET STARTED.


I sit staring at the ground as everyone else devours the breakfast mother has made for us. I finished mine a while ago, and I'm deep in thought about the conversation I had with Kai less than 12 hours ago.

I love you, Akira.

I bury my face in my hands. UGH! This is all getting too complicated! I need to go someplace to clear my mind. Somewhere away from all of this mess.

I take a deep breath, sit up straight, and say out of nowhere, "I'm going to visit Kuuto." (Kouka's capital city)

Hak doubles over and chokes on his chicken and rice, hacking and coughing. I pound him on the back until he recovers, and he glares at me. "What makes you think I'm letting you go there?! Are you insane?!?!?!"

"Yes, and thank goodness I am, because if I wasn't, what I'm going to do would never work."

"What are you going to do?"

"Sneak into the palace library and see if I can find some info on all this dragon business."

Yona runs up to me fearfully. "Aki, you can't go there! It's dangerous, I don't want to lose you!!" I turn towards her and pat her on the head, smiling. "Yona, I'll stay low, don't worry. No one is going to know it's me. I'll be in and out."

She scrambles for another reason not to let me go. "But from where we are it will take a long time to reach Kuuto!" I sigh, knowing that I'm going to regret what I am about to say. "It won't take too long, I have a solution."

I turn towards the green haired man. "Jae-ha, can you get me to Kuuto quickly with your dragon leg?" He looks at me in surprise, but his trademark grin spreads over his face. "I can have you there in a day. For a price." I sigh. "Name the price."

"A kiss."

Everyone immediately jumps up and shouts their concerns, Hak and Shin-ah being the loudest, but I step closer, lean in, and...

...stick my knife at his throat.

"OR, you take me there, and I don't kill you. That should be reward enough." Jae-ha audibly gulps and nods, sweat dripping from his forehead.

I turn away. "Good. Let's go right now then, I'll take Eclipse with me, but Ren stays here. I don't think I have to bring anything else-"

"ARE YOU CRAZY!! OF COURSE YOU NEED MORE STUFF!! HERE, TAKE THESE RICE BALLS, AND THIS COAT, AND MORE RICE BALLS..." Yun yells at me angrily, throwing the named supplies in my face.




He stops and flushes slightly, everyone staring at him. "I-I can't help it if you go looking for trouble everywhere you go!" I shake my head at him. "Who says trouble doesn't go looking for me?" Suddenly, I lightly peck his cheek. "Relax, I'll be back before you can say Hiryuu."

I turn towards Jae-ha, who grumbles, "Oh, him you want to kiss." Before I can say anything, he scoops me up bridal style and salutes to the others. "BYE!" He jumps into the sky without warning, and soon, we disappear into the clouds, Eclipse flying next to us.


As I watch her go off with Ryokuryuu (Green Dragon), I whisper sadly to myself,



I chuckle at the startled look on Akira's face as she clings to my neck, frightened by the height we've reached. "On second thought, I probably should've walked..."

I smile. "Don't tell me you're afraid of heights, Aki dear." For a second, I swear I see a faint pink on her face. "Shut up! No one normal has ever flown! And in the arms of a pervert no less, how am I supposed to feel?!"

"Did you just imply that you are normal?"


I laugh loudly as she grumbles. Then, I make a serious expression. "As for how you are supposed to feel, I would say..." I lean my face in closer to hers. "...flustered?"

Akira flushes and mumbles something inaudible. "What was that?" I ask, amused. "Shut up," she mutters, pressing her face against my chest, her arms tightening around my shoulders.

I smile and rest my chin on her head, looking for a place to land so I can make another jump.

Hi guys! I'm sorry this is such a short chapter, but I need to regain my touch for writing, having lost it in school. No worries, the next one will be longer, I swear.


- For the rest of the time that Akira and Jae-ha were gone, Shin-ah would randomly mutter, "Hiryuu" under his breath and look up hopefully at the skies, only to see nothing and sadly sit in his emo corner, alongside a certain blonde host...

- Hak was trying to follow Akira to make sure Jae-ha was in line, but eventually quit after Jae-ha flew over a cliff that overlooked a valley. He is currently punching trees, wanting to "hit something with a green head."

Sorry, only two, but stay tuned! Remember, regular updates now!

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