Chapter Seventeen

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Above is Ik-su the priest, when his eyes are showing. Usually, he looks like this, eyes completely hair covered.

I do not own the Yona of the Dawn characters, or any part of that story that is implemented into mine

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I do not own the Yona of the Dawn characters, or any part of that story that is implemented into mine.



The arrow slams into the tree, splintering the bark easily. A voice floats through my head.

You aren't using enough force. How will you ever learn archery if you hold back, little prince?

"UGH!" I throw my bow at the ground in frustration and slump against a tree, massaging my temples. Why can't I just forget her and move on?!?! She said that she wouldn't hesitate to kill me, that she doesn't care!

I picture her face, sparkling silver eyes, and that smirk that always graced her lips, one that had annoyed me for years. Or at least I thought it did.

"Some feelings run too deep to be forgotten," she murmurs quietly.


"AGH!" I sit up immediately, my head smacking into an overhead branch. "Ow... Was that a dream?"

"Oi, are you done sleeping in, Your Royal Worshipfullness?" An irk mark appears on my forehead at that irritating nickname that Yamato had given me, and I stand up, giving him a glare.

I stare up at the sky, sensing a vague disturbance.

Something will happen today.


We stand outside of a small house hidden deep within the woods. (The story goes after they find Zeno, and they meet Ik-su to talk about the sword & shield) I give a small yawn, and glance at Yun, who's face is glowing with excitement. "Oh Mother, are you really that excited about seeing your beloved priest again?" An irk mark appears on his forehead, and he chases me around the clearing, yelling angrily. "I AM NOT ANY OF YOUR MOTHERS!!! YOU ARE ALL MUCH TOO UGLY TO BE MINE!!!!"

At this, I stop abruptly and turn around, a playful pout on my lips, my eyes sparkling. "Aww, Yun, you don't think I'm cute?" He flushes and mutters something unintelligible, but I catch the word 'baka' (Idiot). Behind me, I hear a whistle of delight, and suddenly, Jae-ha puts his arms around my shoulders from behind. "I wouldn't mind if you gave me that look, Aki dear~" I immediately punch him in the face, sending him rocketing across the clearing. "Shut it, you." (Akira decided to be nice and let the gang call her Aki.)

Jae-ha staggers and stands up, a creepy smile on his face. "That hurt...but it felt so good..." I spit at him, disgusted. "Keep your clothes on, Droopy Eyes." I turn around to see Hak sending evil looks at both Yun & Jae-ha, so I sidle up to him and whisper in his ear, "I don't think you need to worry about Mother as much as Jae-ha, big bro." Yona steps up and asks, "Hmm? Worry about who?" I back away from Nii-san (older brother) and smile innocently at Yona. "I was just telling  Hak that he should be worried about being too late to confessing to you. Or you to him."

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