Chapter Forty-Four

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"Currently, there are ten thousand soldiers at Senso," Akemi says, leaning over the map in front of her. I tap my chin. "How many do you think would join us?"

She sighs. "Join...I'm not sure. About four thousand of them are new recruits. They might desert, first chance they get. They were forced into the army, after all."

I nod. "I see...let's assume two thousand would be willing to fight. That leaves us with about eight thousand troops to fight, at the least."

Kita grimaces. "We can't have soldiers escaping. If Yan finds out about the attack too early, he could call for reinforcements and we'll all be..." he takes a moment to search for the right word.

"Screwed?" I offer. He smiles thinly. "For want of a better term, yes."

Ichiro looks down at the map, which is covered with figures and placeholders. "Hmm..." he looks pensive.

"What is it?" I ask, curious.

"Well...both sides will be trying to minimize casualties, right? The troops in question are still citizens, so that only adds to our worries."

Akemi interjects. "Incapacitation is what we're aiming for. We have a number of strong soldiers with us, but it won't be easy."

"Should we have Yona and the others join us?" Soron asks, looking over at Hak, who stands next to me. "They're some of the most powerful warriors I know, and they could probably help turn the tide."

Kai rubs his temples, stress clear on his face. "Yes, but if they don't take out the outposts, then there's a chance Akihiro could be told about the attack and send reinforcements. It's no good."

Soron shrinks slightly at his tone, and I place my hand on his shoulder. "It's not you, he's just tired."

He nods, then stares at the map. "I'm no good at battle strategy, I've always lived on my own."

Everyone is silent for a moment, anxiety and tension pouring over us.

"Umm..." A small, hesitant voice speaks up from the door. I turn to see Kasumi standing with a tray. "You guys have been in here for hours, so I brought some tea."

I smile. "Thanks. Need help?"

"I'm good."

Within a moment, everyone is still silent, although the atmosphere is a little calmer. Kasumi peers at the map. "What's wrong?"

"You wouldn't understand it," Kai mutters, and I glare at him. "Kai!"

"Oh, what?" he snaps. "We can't make any decisions, and most of us have been trained in strategy since we could walk. She wouldn't get it."

I flinch at his harsh tone, but he doesn't seem to care. Whatever he learned from Akihiro is eating away at him.

Kasumi, to my surprise, ignores him. "...well...what if you just marched on Ikari?"

Kita blinks. "Directly?"


"Well, it's a thought..." he considers.

"I've never heard of a successful battle where strongholds were ignored," Kai says flatly. Kasumi sneers at him. "And I've never heard of a prince being chased out of his own palace, yet here we are."

"Why you little-"

He looks ready to fly at her, and I grab his shoulders. "Get out!"

He blinks at me. "What?"

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