Kai: A Loving Monster

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She covered the frightened twins with her body, shielding them both from that merciless monster who was once a loving miracle. Why had he became a monster? He was once so loving, she thought. It's a tragic. What's more tragic was the monster was her husband. Her beloved husband that she loved and adored with her whole heart. The one that acts like a shield and also a protector once.

The terrified 4 years-old twins sobbed in their mother's embrace, scared of their own father. The sounds of him screaming and yelling filled the entire room along with the sound of glasses crashing and smashing all over the floor. All of the sudden, Junae, the younger twin, felt something dripping on her forehead. Her eyes won't open to even let her see what was the thing dripping on her forehead. Why? Because she's afraid. But Junae wanted to know. Her eyes went teary as soon as she met her mother's soft gaze. A gaze full with love. The dark red ooze was her mother's blood. The blood that shed just to protect her children. It hit Junae in her mind that her mother was hurting so bad and she started to sob frantically.

Junae: O-omma no...no OMMA NO!

Her brother, Junin, opened his eyes when he heard his sister's cry. He too, was surprised to see his beloved mother injured. For the next second, no glass or anything were smashed. There was complete silence in the room for a while. The only thing that visible to everyone's hearings were the sobs from the twins, crying over their poor mother.

The sobs were indeed heartbreaking. At that very moment, Youngae felt like her body weakened, that she could no longer bear the pain to protect her children. As if she had gave it up her all. Now, she could only pray the goods for their sake before she went unconscious in front of them. Jongin, at the back, stood there on one spot, paralyzed by the whole situation. His hands shook terribly and all he could do was stood there watching her rigid body lying lifelessly on the floor. That was when Junae cried again.

Junae: OMMAAAAA!!!!!!

Her tiny palms were placed on her mother's shoulders before she shook her body as she wailed for her mother. Junin stood beside her sister, cried for their mother too. And Jongin finally realized what he had done but it was just too late. As soon as he took a step closer toward them, he heard a painful yell coming from his son.


Then it hit him. It hit him right in his mind that he had been a monster in their eyes. Junin wrapped his arms around his sister; the way Jongin would do to Youngae when she was sorrow. He witnessed Junin soothing Junae like what any other brother would do. The fear that he had brought to them had made his tears rolled down from his eyes. The sight of the elder one hugging his sister tightly as if he was protecting her from harm clenched his heart. He moved and knelt on one knee, gaze never was away from the woman he had fought so hard to live with her. But look at what happened. What had he done to her?

Jongin: Youngae...

His voice croaked at the end as the tears choked him a bit. At last, he picked her up from the floor, staring at her face that was once full with love and happiness. Now, it was covered with blood. Because of him. Because of his selfish heart. The tears that went down his cheeks looked like it was endless. He wrapped her tight in his embrace, whispering her name, hoping she would open her eyes and smile at him but he knew she won't be able to do that for now. His grip tightened as he lifted her, running toward the front door. Watching their father carrying away their mother, the siblings stood up and followed.


They sat in front of the emergency room, waiting for the doctors to examine her patiently. For once, he took a slight glance at his children. They're keeping the distance with him. His gaze fell to the white floor, smiling weakly as he tried to guess what would they be thinking right now but then, all he could do was...

Jongin: Sorry.

And the tears came rushing down his cheeks again. He hid his face in his palms, hoping for the worst to not happen now. He didn't care if they hate him now. They deserved to feel that way. But then he felt a pair of small hands grabbing his arm. He looked up and saw Junae, smiling soothingly. Just like Youngae. She wiped her father's tears and hugged him by the neck, followed by Junin.


Jongin carried Junae in one hand and the other was holding Junin's palm. They walked up to her slowly, peeking from afar what she was doing. She was there, leaning against the pillow on the bed, snapping her fingers beside her ear, trying to listen to anything but...silence.

Jongin: Walk slowly to omma.

He put Junae down and let Junin walk with his sister together. They reached at her bed but it seemed like she didn't notice. Junin reached out his hand to touch her elbow and that attracted her. She looked at them both and smiled before she quickly hug them softly. The warm tears started forming in her eyes but Junin quickly wiped it away. It was such another beautiful world's wonder; how can he be as lovely as Jongin back then?  She closed her eyes, thankful that they were okay and when she opened her eyes again, someone was towering her and blocking the lights in front of her. The grips on her hands loosened from her children as lifted her face, eyes widened when she saw her husband's face. He stood there, doing nothing but staring her and smiling weakly.

The guilt and a sense of regret on his face couldn't be hidden by him no longer. Seeing her too shocked to see him, he hung his head low, trying to hide the tears from everyone. A deep sigh of regret escaped his lips before he decided to just leave. When he was about to turn away, he felt a gentle grip on his fingers, stopping him from walking any further. He couldn't help but to sob silently while facing against her. He just couldn't look at her face anymore but the grip tightened, as if it was asking him to turn and look at her. He hesitated at first but then he turned and his gaze met the smile on her lips. A reassuring smile. And that made the sobs grew louder. He knelt on both knees beside the bed, hiding his face in her hands and cried. Crying like there was no tomorrow for them both.

Jongin: I'm sorry. I'm really sorry. I...I...

He himself was speechless. He didn't know what to do. How to erase every mistakes he had done. But then he felt her hands wiping his tears and patting his back next while letting him cry. He felt like she was reassuring him that it wasn't his fault but he knew it was a lie afterall. Next, he felt the twins hug him from the back, soothing him together.

Junin: A-appa don't cry.
Junae: Appa is s-strong right? Appa can't c-cry.

Somehow it calmed him down a bit. He felt her soft gesture on his cheeks, carressing it ever so gently. He was still on his knees, sobbing but lesser than before. He felt a warm kiss on his forehead at the very next second which made him look up. Her gentle smile surely reassured him a lot though she was the one who hurt the most. But now, what's more regrettable was...her condition. More specifically, her hearings.

Jongin: But you can't hear anymore. And you-

He stopped when she hugged him, as if she was saying that everything is all right. How awful he felt at that very moment. What had he done to have her in his life? She may not hear anything now but she knew him so well that she couldn't help but to forgive him. She knew it wasn't like him to be that way. She knew every single thing about him and she wasn't mad at him. She loved him. And he loved her too. They have their two little children here, completing everything. She lifted his face and kissed his cheeks, the thing she always did when he felt miserable. Finally, he got the strenght to stand and bend over her height to kiss her lips softly. See? She was right afterall. Her dearly husband hadn't leave her yet. Junae and Junin climbed the bed and hugged their mother carefully, not wanting to hurt her. He broke the kiss and gave a quick peck on the forehead, earning her lovely smile.

Jongin: I love you.

As if she understood him, she nodded along with a smile, secretly saying that she loved him too.

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