Tao: My Real Self With You

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He stared at her from afar. She looked so happy with her new guy friend. It felt like she will never look at him anymore. It felt like he was only a person to be looked for when she was bored. But really?

Youngae: C'mon Yixing.

He watched them walking past him without her greeting him. He sighed. He was hurt. He knew that that new guy was way better than him. They were in so much common than him with her and that made his day down. But he didn't realize it was his fault too in the first place.


Youngae: Hey Tao would you like to have some ice cream.

He would love to but all he did was shook his head a little, not even showing any interest in talking to her. He didn't realize that that was one of his fault and became super envious when Yixing butted in.

Lay: Hey Youngae let's go there. I'll treat you ice cream.

She just nodded and they left him behind. That pissed him a little without him still seeing his not-so-good side.


She texted him at the night which made him sighed. Was he really a bestfriend that she would find once she was alone at home?

'Yah why are you always like this'

He scoffed a bit but not trying to tell the truth.

'Too lazy to type anything'
'Well now you're not'

He was pissed. He wanted to let everything out loud but he couldn't. He didn't put the trust in her and he believed that she was the same too. He just can't believe anyone now. All he could think was about how bad he had felt because of her, not remembering what had she gave him.


Youngae: Hey!

The other boys started scattering away from him. She quickly ran up to him, trying to touch his arms but he flinched.

Tao: I'm fine.
Youngae: No, you don't.
Tao: Young-
Youngae: Can't you just be honest with me for this one time?!

His speechless. She squatted in front of him and looked over his bruised parts on his face. He saw the anxiousness in her eyes which made him pushed her hands away. She was shocked, of course, hurt too.

Youngae: Tao...

He didn't reply anything. Instead he was trying to run away from her. But before he could move an inch, he found himself in her warm embrace. He wanted to resist but he couldn't. He didn't have any strenght to resist. Why? Because he had always wanted her to be by his side.

Youngae: Why are you like this? Why are you resisting everything?

He cried. All the tears he saved was all out now.

Tao: Am I a toy to you? That you will find me when you're bored.

She shook her head as she tightened the hug.

Tao: When your other friend cried, you hugged them, cheering as you did so. But what about me?

She loosened the hug, eyes staring deeply into his.

Youngae: You're wrong. I cheer when I comfort them but I cried together with you. Don't you realize that?

His heart thumpted.

Youngae: I shared my deepest thoughts with you but not with them. Trust me, you know more than them.

He still had the hesitation in his eyes.

Youngae: I acted sweet with them but not you.

She paused.

Youngae: Because I'm not a sweet person. I'm only me when I'm with you. I texted with you the most. I never was interested to text the others. I tried to have a face to face conversation with you but you just seemed so uninterested. Haven't you realize it yet?

She stood up.

Youngae: I guess you never really look at me as your bestfriend. I've already fallen in love with you too.

Her voice trailed at the end, making his heart clenched and thumpted at the same time. She turned to walk away but right at that moment she felt a pair of arms wrapping her body.

Tao: I'm sorry. I'm jealous of them. Of you.

He tightened his hug, sobbing on her shoulder by time. She broke the hug, facing towards him afterwards.

Youngae: I never thought your jealousy would be over like this. But now I know.

She wiped his tears with her thumb, carressing his cheeks gently then.

Youngae: You'll be with me forever right?

He nodded and quickly pulled her into another warm hug.

Tao: Please let me be myself when I'm with you.
Youngae: Have I ever not let you?

They chuckled in sync as their tears dried up due to their happiness.

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