Xiumin: My Punishment

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Xiumin: Go.

She didn't move an inch. All that she could do was to stare into his eyes, secretly saying to not believe what people say. But he had rage all over his heart.

Xiumin: What are you looking at? GO!

She looked up to the clear sky, smiling a little before crouching down to the ground and dig the soil with her bare hands. Taking out their marriage ring, she put it into the hole. She buried the ring as her heart too decided to bury the feelings for him. She stood back straight but this time not even glancing at his face.

Youngae: And so one day I'll reunite with it.

She walked away, leaving the rather confused and anxious guy behind. What had he done?


Even it lasted a month after their official break up, he still managed some time to stalk her from afar, eyeing every step she walked, every place she went and of course, every guy she talked to. But he became super envious over this one guy.

Kris: You need help?

That guy was always beside her. And it made him envious because it wasn't him who stood beside her, taking care of her everyday. He could only look at them both with an aching heart.


Xiumin: Why are you here?

He looked at the taller male with eyes filled with hate.

Kris: I'm her acquintance.
Xiumin: Well I'm her husband.

That made the taller one smirked.

Kris: What husband left her wife when some jealousy ex tell him that his wife cheated? Worst, he knew his wife was sick.

That made his tongue trapped million words inside. He wanted to shot back but everything that Kris said was right. Suddenly, the door opened and a man in white suit trailed out.


He ran as fast as he could. Why today? Why only today that he realized? The rain and thunder seemed nothing to him as an obsticle. Finally, he was there. The location of her marriage ring. He dug into the ground, searching for the ring with a heart that only god knew. But it was never there. Like it never existed.

"And so one day I'll reunite with it."

Xiumin: What do you mean, Youngae? Tell me. Tell me everything.

He cried. The tears seemed endless.

Xiumin: I guess that's what I get when I leave you hurting.

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