Kai: I'll Help You

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Youngae was tired. What's the meaning of all of these? Why she must do this when she probably will get nothing at the end?

The sky became one and as if they agreed the truth in her heart, they united up there, making most living things feel the fear, darkness and loneliness.

She was bright, of course, everyone would say that. But instead of that, nobody knows the truth. The truth why she smiled. The truth why she was always happy.

Her ears caught the sounds of footsteps coming towards her but she ignored it. All of the sudden, the rain stopped. She looked up.

No, it didn't stop.

There was an umbrella above her, protecting her from the crystal drops.

"What are you doing?" She asked as soon as she saw the tall lean figure standing right behind her. He looked exhausted, which added the question marks in her head.

"I'm here for you." His eyes never lies. But the only thing that lied was her heart.

"Kai, it's nothing. Go back home, I just need some piece of mind and the rain was here to help," she said as she shoved the umbrella but his hand stayed stiffen. "Did you cheated when you got that Junior Scientist award?"

"That was horrible," she sighed under her breath. "Do you think I got that without any hard work?" "So you probably knew that rains these days are acidic, right?"

He stepped foward towards her, leaving a tiny gap between them both. Smiling softly, he spreaded his free arm wide. Like a magnet, she had that feeling that he could pull herself into his embrace. And so she did stay there for the next second, letting out what she had been keeping so badly as he let the umbrella fell beside them.

"I'm sorry if I make you feel worst." Shooking her head, she cluntched her fist tighter on his shirt. He wrapped his arms tighter than ever around her back.

He, was like fire.

She, was like ice.

They both could feel each others' warmth and coldness.

"I'll help you with your trainings. Don't worry, you can win the piano competition." "You think so?" He hummed and nodded at the same time in respond as he broke the hug, picking up the umbrella and brought it above them both.

"Now smile. Forget about the other requests and let me spread my warmth to make you feel good." "You're too cheesy this time," they both laughed in sync.

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