Chanyeol: Sketch

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"Say um...a date? Like...on our nearest school break?" A long pause from the other side steals his breath for as long.

"Ok then," is simple but important enough that he can finally breathe normally again. "Where and when precisely?"

"I'll figure out somewhere and just give you a ride on the spot," he answers as if he had the answer prepared a long time ago. "Our date starts as early as morning comes because I don't wanna lose a second of my time with you so get dressed before you sleep," he continues sheepishly and earns a small chuckle from his cute girlfriend.

"Alright sweetie see you around then," she says before their conversation ends with one click.

Chanyeol puts his phone on the other side of the bed and stares the ceiling. The big goofy smile plastered on his face won't fade away even after 30 minutes he has been that way. His mind is full of Heesoo and only that girl alone. He imagines how bright her smile will be on their date and it's just a few days until that. He dreams of her dreamy eyes, looking at his and pierces right through his heart and just makes it beat faster and faster even after 3 years.

He and Heesoo had been on a long distance relationship and it's been quite a while since they had last seen each other. Heesoo will come back to their hometown after quite a while and he is excited for her long stay.

Where should I take her to? The mall? But she doesn't like crowded places? The park? But what to do? What about the library? Ok that sounds terrible like who wants to read books in the middle of a school break?

All those thoughts had him glued on his bed for hours long. At last, he falls asleep, dreaming of their upcoming lovely date.


"Yah Park Chanyeol do you even hear me?" Baekhyun snaps Chanyeol and it seems like he never listen a word to what he says.

"Huh?" Chanyeol is confused with what is happening around him.

"Aigoo I know your cute Heesoo is on her way here today but can't you focus on this question a bit? We're having a mathematical problem here and we would be glad if you help us solve it," Kyungsoo sassily says and rolls his eyes at the end of his words. Chanyeol, on the other hand, flusters over Kyungsoo's words but he decides to just stay cool and starts analising the question.

Half way into the question, Baekhyun interupts them. "Yah yah yah there's a story of a girl commiting suicide around this area. Look look!" He turns the screen to Kyungsoo to let him read it. Chanyeol, having a bad feeling at that time, stands up from his seat to have a look too.

"Where where? I wanna see it too," he claims but Kyungsoo raises his palm first.

"No thank you, it's not Heesoo," Kyungsoo announces before he can do anything and he wants to protest but the answer is enough to make him sit back. Still, it's never enough to get rid of the bad feeling in him yet.

Heesoo is problematic but she holds the pieces of her life elegantly and that's the first reason why he fell for her at the first place. But still, humans have their own limits and so does Heesoo. She did tried to commit suicide once at school because a teacher misunderstood her and slut shamed her in front of the whole school just to destroy her perfect reputation because that teacher's daughter is always the second best in everything when there is Heesoo. Good thing Chanyeol and Heesoo's mother succeed in persuading her to step away from the edge of the rooftop.

Heesoo had showed him many scars of hers and it always make him anxious everytime she's not feeling well or she's out of character. And right now, he feels it too and it may seems obvious when Baekhyun finally lays a palm on his shoulder. "Relax dude. Heesoo is strong. She won't do that again. Not when she still has you at least."

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