Baekhyun: Before You Sleep

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"Yeoboooo~" Baekhyun whines from upstair. I can hear his footsteps running down the stairs.

"Baekhyun-ah please don't run at the stairs," I say, only to receive a cheeky smile from my beloved husband.

"Mianhae Heesoo hehe," he apologizes with a wide smile, showing his pearl white teeth. "Let's go to sleep. I'm so sleepy yet I can't sleep without you," he says as he pouts to me.

"Aigoo ya my husband is so sleepy eh?" I ask and he nods like a litte kid with the small pout on his lips. "Should I go to sleep with you then?" He nods eagerly with those puppy eyes of his which makes me giggle at his childish act. "Arasso arasso, kaja," I say as I stand up from the couch and take him by the hand before we walk upstairs to our room.

As soon as we enter the room, he flops himself on the bed and covered his body with the blanket. "Yeobo-ah, palliiii~" he says as he taps the empty spot next to him. "I wanna cuddle with you~" he says as he shows off his eyesmile.

I say nothing as a reply and just get on the bed. He flashes his adorable smile before he hugs me and pulls the blanket over us. I place one arm around his waist as he hugs my shoulder. As I'm about to drive to dreamland, he suddenly shakes me. "Ahh yeobo yeobo don't sleep yet!"

In a drowsy state, I manage to open my eyes and pout. "Ah waee I'm sleepy~" I can see him smile eventhough my eyes are half shut.

"Sing for me please? It's been so long since the last time you do that," he requests, only the earn a whine from me.

"My voice is ugly," I reply simply. But then I hear his small laugh.

"No no. Your voice is beautiful," he persuades me.

"You know that's not the truth," I deny.

"If you love somebody, everything about them is beautiful," he insists and I smile over his words.

"You're one good talker, aren't you?"

"I'm good at other things too." And he ends it with a smirk.

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