D.O: Tired

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"I'm sorry. I'm so so sorry. I didn't mean to hurt you."

There she goes nodding weakly with that small gentle smile plastered on her lips. Baby please, speak up for yourself. Don't let me hurt you more...

I beg you.

"Sorry I'm not a romantic person."
"It's okay, Kyungsoo."

Okay? No. Not okay. Not okay at all. You're okay? Since when you learn how to lie? That's no good sweetheart. No good. Tell me everything you feel at that moment. Tell me the truth. Don't let me think you're emotionless. Don't make me think you're perfect because I know you're not. You still have feelings so let me be aware of it. Say it, love. Say it that you're hurt and you want more of me. Say it, please. Don't let me drown in my mistakes.

"Heesoo-ahh, you're good if I'm out right?"
"Y-yeah sure...but-"
"Thanks babe! I'll be back before midnight!"

See? What did I tell you? Now look what I've done. I've left you with pieces of words you never get to tell me. I told you to never make me too comfortable with you. Now just look at yourself, all hurt and burdened with those unspoken words.

"It's just a misunderstanding. I-"
"It's okay Kyungsoo. I trust you."

Why? Why did you trust me? That's the worst thing to do. Why would you ever let yourself trust this impudent jerk? You should just beat the living shit out of me for goodness sake. All I ever did was lying to you and you know it.

"You lied! You freaking lied to me!"
"Gosh Kyungsoo. Can't you trust me the way I trust you again and again?"

I hurt you.
Fuck me.
I'm just a living nonsense.
How can I hurt such angel? Do I think I can get one anywhere at anytime?

"How's my wife?"
"Her heart...gave up.."

It's never your fault sweetie. Of course your heart will give up over someone like me. But at least, shouldn't it spare your life a little? You did nothing wrong so at least let me be the one dying.

"Heesoo I'm...I'm just-"
"Kyungsoo ah, forgive me for all of my mistakes."

Mistakes? What mistakes did you make sweetheart? List one of it and I can list ten of mine.
You never did wrong dear. And yes it's true. You're always right. But I guess you're just too tired to prove it anymore so you just decided to give up and go.

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