Chen: It Hurts

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"The disease is getting worse. In just a few weeks, you might be in a state where you won't be conscious."

Yeonji stared at the wall in front of her. The gray sky rumbled outside but she stayed stiffen.

"How am I supposed to tell him? What will he think? Will he has no reaction on it? Or will he cry? Will he be sad if I'm gone?"

The thoughts had been wandering in her mind for hours after the last meet with the doctor.

"Please, do inform your husband about this. It is important for your life."

"But what if he's sad? He'll cry for sure, despite of that childish personality. That is worse than him leaving me alone. I'd rather see him leave than making him cry."

"Babe?" A deep voice called out from behind the door. She turned around and got rid of the anxious look on her face and smiled at her beloved husband.

"Oh you're home. I'm sorry I didn't notice."

"Weird. Is something bothering you?"

She gulped a little before she plastered a small smile. "Yeah, like what should I cook for dinner. Can you suggest?" His smile grew wider, a sign that he didn't notice anything odd about her.

"A simple mushroom soup maybe? I'm craving for that favourite dish of mine made by you." He acted childish, pouting his lips and blinking his eyes several times at her.

A small giggle escaped her lips. "You know, we're married for 8 years already and we have 4 children and yet you're still as childish as when you're 15."

"So what? I want to be like this with you forever. I want to see that beautiful smile and the angelic giggle of yours always."

Jongdae, was a sweetheart. From before until now, from when they're 14 until they're 35, he had always been the sweetest man when they're alone and she was grateful that he never changed for she liked him being this way eventhough he could be a bit clingy sometimes. "Whatever you say, babe. So we'll have mushroom soup for dinner? Only mushroom soup?"

"You can add up anything else. I'll eat whatever you cook," he said with a wide grin on his face.

With that, she forgot about her meet with the doctor but only for a while. They had dinner with the kids and laugh out at something funny in their conversation but when she was all alone again, the thought came disturbing her mind. It was like that since. There won't be a day where she would not think about it.

So, days finally turned to weeks. Time was short and Jongdae still didn't had a single clue about her sickness. On the last week predicted by the doctor, she asked him to go out for a date. She asked her younger brother, Chanyeol, to take care of her children for a day.

"This is very odd, you know? After all these years, you finally asked me out. If not, it will always be me asking you." There was a slight curiosity and delightfulness in his tone. "Well, I just miss the old days together with you and only you."

They had been together for so many years since before they're married. On 4th May when they're both 14, he confessed his love for her. It took a while for her to believe him, of course, as she was a person that didn't believe in love confession just like that. Deep down, she was scared to accept those love confession as the thought of the person playing a prank of her was just too eerie.

It took him about a week to make her believe in him and finally on 11th May, she confessed the same feelings toward him and he was the only human to know how happy he was at that time. How he jumped out from his bed, cheering and shouting in excitement when he got the confession text from her.

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