Lay: 10 Years

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10 years ago...

Lay: Hey Youngae?

She hummed as a respond and looked at him.

Youngae: Yeah?
Lay: Why do you look so much better than me? I mean, handsome.
Youngae: Because of this short hair?
Lay: Yeah.

She closed her book and laughed at him, thinking that this question maybe will haunt her forever if she keep up with her characteristic.

Youngae: I just don't like long hair. It needs more care and I don't think I can help myself from burning my hair one day later.

He giggled over her long answer.

Lay: But I want to see you with long hair. Maybe you'll look cute.

She shook her head at him.

5 years foward...

Youngae: Don't leave me!

She tried to catch up with him but the wound on her knees wouldn't let her. She cried and called out for him, waiting him to turn around and ran at her again but he was just too stubborn.

Youngae: Yixing.

Her voice trailed at the end, clenching his heart but he tried to not look back. He won't look back. He's determined this time. But her endless cry made it seemed so impossible.

Youngae: Don't go.

And finally he turned- when the sound of shrieking tyres and high-pitched shout emerged.


Lay: It's been five years already.

He took her cold hand, carressing it gently with his thumb.

Lay: Your hair grew long too.

He then carressed her hair.

Lay: Your skin is pale.

Her cheeks.

Lay: If I wasn't stubborn back then.

His eyes started to tear up.

Lay: Just because you wanted to grow your hair long for the ball, you end up like this.

He bit his lips hard to prevent him from crying.

Lay: I thought it was for another guy. I'm sorry. I don't know the truth. I acted like a kid back then.

But he couldn't stop his tears no more.

Lay: I don't know it was for me. I don't know you want to fulfill my day dreams to see you with a long hair. I don't...know that you want me to see you more than a friend.

He hid his face in his palms, crying hard when he finally let it out.

Lay: I'm really sorry. I don't know. You only think about me.

He cried endless tears, regretting his stupid action 5 years ago. Maybe if it wasn't for him, they would be happy now. Suddenly, he felt something poking his elbow weakly to distract him. He pulled his hands from his face quickly and...

Youngae: Yixing...

That angelic voice. After 5 years...

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