Kai: You Have Me Always

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Screams. Cries. Wails. Tears. Sadness. Emptiness. Loneliness. Fear. Anxious. Horror. Everything at once. She threw all her things to the hard floor, not being able to control herself. Plopping on the floor, her ears captured the sounds of footsteps rushing upstairs. And that made her guts up.

She looked around. There were paintings, her ongoing story on the laptop, a frame with a picture of him, a piano and an almost broken radio. By the time she stood straight, he was right in front of the door. He looked so... worried. Never he had that face on in front of her. This is the first time.

Kai: Youngae...

She walked past him like he never existed and he hated it. But he hated more to see her like this. She grabbed the paintings and without a second thought she smashed it to the ground. She was uncontrollable once again. He stood there, surprised for a while. He watched her threw everything. The laptop, the frame, the radio. Everything.

She was about to smashed the piano with the broken radio when suddenly a pair of strong arms wrapped around her body. He tightened his grip and burried his face into her shoulder as he sobbed slowly. Her hands let go of the radio, trashing it right onto the cold floor.

Kai: Stop... please... I hate seeing you being so hurtful.

Once, she felt so safe in his arms. Like the world can never catch her this time. He spun her around and hugged her once again. She hugged him back this time. Slowly, her tears streamed down her puffy eyes, drenching his shirt with it. She held onto him tight- she never wanted to lose him.

Youngae: T-thank you. Thank you for being here now.

He kissed her forehead ever so gently for a long moment. He then rested his forehead on hers, crying together with her.

Kai: I will forever be here to be your shelter. I'll protect you from the sadness. You just have to give me your love.

By the next second, he lifted her body in the air, carrying her and put her gently on the bed, lying next to her right after. He pulled the cover over their body to heat them up. But he realized she was still shivering. Without hesitation, he pulled her into his embrace, letting his warmth comfort her and it works.

Kai: Sleep. Let those tears dry away by the time you wake up.

She hummed a bit and leaned closer to his chest, wrapping her arms on his waist as she closed her eyes, falling apart into dreamland while he soothed her gently.

Kai: You have me always.

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