Lay: Cute Conversation

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"Yixing why do you get jealous so easily?" I ask as he plays with a strand of my hair.

"Because I love you of course!" Suddenly his expression changes into an unreadable one. "Don't tell me," he pauses before he continues after I look at him. "You don't like it? Even worse, you hate it?"

I let a small chuckle as I hear his question. "Silly, no!" I giggle in between my words and slap his arm gently. "I love it. I feel very loved by you, you know?" Hearing my answer, Yixing can't hide his smile and shyly averts his gaze from me. "Cute." I mumble.

"You're cuter," he replies and sticks out his tongue at me before he chuckles.

"Nope," I argue. "You're the cutest and you can't say more 'cause I've said most." I laugh a little when I see him out of words to shoot back and can only pout. I know what this means. "Yixing are you sulking?"

"Yes, hmph!" He crosses his arms and turn his head away. How cute.

"Yixing~" I call him in a way he likes the most. He loses it at that very moment and smiles before he lets out a little sigh and throws his head back.

"Ahhh you can't do that. That's cheating! You're too cute and you hit me right at my weak spot!" He cries while he wriggles his body in protest. I'm resting my head on his laps and it hurts my head that he moves so much but I couldn't care more so I let out a small giggle.

"Love you," I say shortly and he stops his movements abruptly. Next, he smiles shyly and tries to hide it from me but fails miserably.

"Love you too," he replies after a while being so shy and trying so hard not to smile.

"Can I get a cat?"

"Of course you can."

"But then you'll be jealous of the cat if I only play with him."

"It's okay. You pat the cat, I pat you."

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