Kris: Pitiful

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The shouts and screams from Kris was never going to be heard by anybody. The two policemen grabbed him by the arm, forcing him to calm down by time.

Police: Please calm down, sir. Don't make any fuss here.
Kris: What fuss? I just want to seek for forgiveness.

His voice trailed at the end, making it sounded so weak. He fell on his knees, crying his heart out. Oh how he wished this was only a nightmare.


Youngae: Oh, you're-

Without letting her finish her words, he strangled her as hard as he could, not letting any mercy on her anymore. Feeling the air was cut off from her lungs, a single drop of tears flowed down her fluffy cheeks.


Pushing her with all the rage and anger, he let out a huff as his brown orbs glared at her sharply. He took out an envelope from a file he had brought home and threw it at her. She took it as her hands trembled a bit. Her eyes when wider when she looked at the contain.

Youngae: N-no... I won't divorce you.
Kris: Glad you say that.

With the flash of light, he slammed her right at the wall, making her like a toy ball. Not enough of that, he twist her wrist and broke her arm, making her completely injured. Taking out a pen, he let her hold it and hold her hands together before signing the agreement. Not being able to fight him, she let her tears flow quietly. Done signing, he let go of her and left the house afterwards, leaving her alone before fainting out without anyone besides her.


He looked at the envelope and reminded about her. It has been two days since that very last day but he didn't send that agreement yet. His mind was in baffled. Did he do the right thing? But what's the right thing? Hurt her? When he still loves her with all his heart content?

Kris: Youngae.

But he was hurt too. When he caught her clinging on other guys, he couldn't help to control the rage in his heart. He felt betrayed and he didn't like it. The sudden vibrations from his phone woke him from his thoughts. Without looking at the screen, he answered it.


He arrived at the emergency room, now confused by the person who was standing in front of him. Was that Youngae? But he got a call that Youngae was admitted into the emergency room.

Kris: Youngae?
Jungae: No, I'm her twin, Jungae. I missed your wedding because I just came from London. You're my sister's husband right?

And that's when everything made sense. That guy beside her, the same guy he saw at that day. The doctor walked out from the room, expressions told everything.

Dr. Kim: It's too late. She fainted two days before and was found today. There's no chance for her to live.


Kris: Forgive me. For everything. Get out from that dark place and say that you still love me after everything.

Was his tears valuable? Can his tears made her by his side again? Of course no. If so, he wouldn't be here.

Kris: Let me feel your warmth once more. Let me die together with you in each others' embrace. Let me hear your melodic voice. Let me love you again. Let me fix my mistakes.

Everyone pity him. But what can they do?

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