Xiumin: Favourite Book

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"So what's your favourite book?" Xiumin asks me. I avert my gaze away as I start to think which is my favourite.

"I don't know. They all seems nice," I answer, only to receive a pout from him.

"No no you gotta have one at least."

"But I like them all!" I exclaim and get up from his laps. "I can't choose. They are all my favourite," I continue but the pout on his lips never fades. He looks cute with that pout to be honest and I would be willing to spend my whole life watching him being so adorable. "Aww my bunny bun bun baozi just can't stop pouting! You're such a cutie-"

"Ahhhhhh," he whines as he wiggles slightly. "I'm not cute, I'm not cute," he repeatly whines and wiggles on the couch. "Don't call me bunny bun bun baoziiii," he whines and whines and whines.

"You don't like it?" I make that sad innocent face of mine which is his weak spot and I immediately got him.

"No no no babe I love it," he says as he cups my face with his hands. "You make me shy, you know?" He averts his gaze to somewhere in the room as he plays with his fingers, twirling it, looking like a boy getting scolded by his mother.

I love this side of him. He's loud sometimes but with me he's a sweetheart. He talks softly, tries so hard never to make me cry, always so honest about what he thinks and most of all, he's absolutely his true self with me.

"Anyway just tell me what's your favourite book," he insists me to tell him again.

"Well..." I give him a mischievious grin before I avert my gaze to the corner of the room. "I don't know, really," I emphasize the whole sentence, only to receive another pout from my cute sweetheart.

"I'll tickle you." His face suddenly changes, the tone in his voice is dead serious and he gives me that look which I know immediately what's going to happen.

"No!" I shout as I get up from the couch and run away from him, only to be chase by him around the living room. After a couple minutes running, I stop because of two reasons. One, I'm out of breath. Two, actually I hate it when someone chases me and eventually catches up to me. It feels like I'm in a run from zombies or monsters or anything creepy.

Xiumin catches me in his arms and snuggles me deeper in his chest. "I got you Heesoo. So know you need to tell me the right answer. What's your favourite book?"

"I don't know, Xiu! How am I suppose to give you the right answer if I don't know the right answer? I mean, I can't choose a favourite book, like I say. I like them all," I explain to him and he replies with a small chuckle.

"I thought your favourite book is our book." From the corner of my eyes, I can see he flashes a grin and I know what's that grin for but I can't understand why he grins like that.

"I'm sorry, what?" I demand him to repeat his question and he pouts again. Oh my, just how many times he pouts today?

"I'm trying to be cheezy with you! Aishhh," he scoffs in defeat as loosens the hug. I take this opportunity to break free from his embrace and look at his face carefully.

"Our book sounds good," I say, finally understand what he's trying to tell me and yes, it is cheezy. "Yes, you're right. I do think my favourite book is our book," I continue as I flash my cheeky smile at him.

"I like chapter one of the book," he states all so sudden.

"What's chapter one?"

"Your smile."

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