Sehun: Cheezy Mr. Oh

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Sehun: I love you.

He looked at his self in the mirror and smiled widely which totally made him looked like an idiot. But then frustration took over that made him sighed as he stomped his feet and pouted, playing with his self alone like a loner.

Sehun: Ahhhh how to do this how to do this?
Yeji: Do what?

Due to surprise, he rapped with no beat spontaniously.

Sehun: DowhattodotosayIloveyoutoKimYejisisterofmyfriendandthegirlthatwillalwaysbeatmewithoutanylogicalexplanationandecusedmeforthedisablitytosayproperwordscorrectlyandhavingsuchshorttonguewithinsaneheightandlookslikeacharacterfromlarva.
Yeji: Wh-
Sehun: Nothing. Gotta go.

Unconsciously, he hugged her and quickly ran away from that place, leaving her hanging.


Recess was one of the best thing in school life and no one would not love a peaceful recess. It was all so calm and steady and quiet until she heard a loud shriek from behind and the next thing she knew was books hitting her face and scattered everywhere. Turning, she saw him grinning nervously. She stood up and walked towards him. Though her face had literally no emotions, he had the instincts telling him that he will be hit by her. And yes, she hit him with one of those books. Hard.

Sehun: My face!

He exclaimed which made her scoffed. What's so good about that face? Her cat was way better.

Yeji: What were you thinking when you threw all those books over me?
Sehun: It's slippery there and I tripped!
Yeji: Said Oh-so-many-excuses-Sehun.
Sehun: Playing with my name again.
Yeji: Like you didn't get my games.

She picked up all the books and stacked them on the table neatly before taking her seat, followed by Sehun. He took his seat facing her and smiled as he admired her face when she was reading her favourite book. Suddenly she looked up and their eyes met which made them both gulped nervously but still he was the most obvious.

Yeji: What are you looking at?
Sehun: You of course. Should I look over those chicks over there?
Yeji: Sure. They're chicks, not girls.

He grinned.

Sehun: Hey hey hey look who's mad here. Yahh I only see you in my eyes girl.

She blushed. Luckily he didn't notice that. But she acted normal as always.

Yeji: Say everything you actually want to say Sehun. I don't need such corny words.

He knew, not that she didn't like stuffs like that but she felt uncomfortable. He quickly changed his seat and sat next to her, smile never fade from his lips.

Sehun: I'm going to say that I love you. And happy birthday baby girl.
Yeji: Ain't your baby girl and seriously Sehun? Birthday? Today?
Sehun: I looked over your Instagram post with a cat picture.
Yeji: What the- Sehun my birthday was on 5th July you idiot how could you forget that? And that post was from the last year's birthday.

Jaw dropped, he stared at her. Slowly, he grinned nervously. She stood up and quickly walk away from him but he managed to catch up.

Sehun: H-hey. I'm sorry.

She didn't say a word but only glared at him. He rubbed the back of his neck, starting to sweat due to nervous. And suddenly, he got an idea.

Sehun: I can make you sausages everyday.

She knew she could never sulk for a long time with this weird creature and soon decided to sit back while he played with her hair.

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