D.O: My Fault

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He waited for her to shot back but no, nothing came out from her mouth. She looked at him in disbelief, unconsciously cry as a respond. D.O was surprised to see her reaction. He tried to move but his body won't listen.

Youngae: You really hate me right?

She managed to chuckle weakly as she walked past him to the bathroom. He still didn't do anything even after she had gone to the bathroom. He stayed for a few minutes there, regretted that he shouted to her and made her cry. He turned and jolted to the bathroom door and knocked it continously when he heard the water flowing down the drain.

D.O: Youngae open up!

He received nothing but the sound of shower letting the water out. He banged the door louder, panicking when he imagined her doing something stupid.

D.O: Open the door Youngae! Youngae! Do you here me? Open this door!

Something was wrong here. He moved backwards and crushed the door open, revealing her who was sitting under the shower without turning on the water heater.

D.O: Youngae!

He ran up to her and pulled her in his embrace, not even wasting his time to stop the running water.

D.O: Hey Youngae.

His voice softened when he felt her trembling in his arms. The cold water wasn't good for her health and he knew he should bring her out from there right away.

D.O: You need to get up. This cold water can harm you.

She didn't shook her head, nor nodding as a respond. She felt her heart weakening evey second and she hoped she could bear to stay awake. At the very next moment, she felt her body lifted from the cold tile, water dripping down her fingers.

D.O: Don't hurt yourself like this. I don't like it.

He put her on the bed, not caring that it would be wet because of them. He stepped back to take a towel and crawled back onto the bed, wiping her head as he unbuttoned her shirt.

D.O: What's the use for me to be your husband if I let you like this?

She stayed silent and let him dry her.

D.O: This time, it's my fault. I admit it. I'm sorry.

It's hard to hear him apologize but when he did, it sounded so sincere. Maybe because the rarity that made it sounded like that.

Youngae: Kyungsoo...

She stopped his hand when he wiped her shoulder and looked at his face. He looked so anxious under his round eyes.

Youngae: I must've been a burden for you.

He shook his head.

D.O: Not at all. You gave me everything I need and I'm grateful to meet you in my life.

He landed his soft lips on hers, gently showing his little love for her. He broke apart from her lips and their breath collided when she suddenly noticed something.

Youngae: Your shirt is wet. You'll catch a cold.

He looked into her brown orbs again and grinned.

D.O: No I won't.

He pecked the corner of her lips in a flash before he pulled off his clothes.

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