Chen: Cross My Heart

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"Is there something wrong Jongdae?" He lifted his face up on his eyes met gazes with the elder male. "Ah nothing hyung," he replied shortly yet weakly. Junmyeon frowned over the weak reply he got and took his place next to Jongdae. "That's very not like you, Jongdae-ii~" He whined at the end but Jongdae seemed so much disturbed and it never eased.

Junmyeon's teasing grin faded slowly as he watched Jongdae's reaction. Suddenly, Jongin barged into the room, panting as hard as he could as if he just ran across the town to reach there. "Jongdae hyung," he panted a while. "Noona...Sunhan noona-" his words were cut off by Jongdae's sudden bang on the coffee table, making the other two twitched backward. "Don't." One word escaped his mouth plus a deathly glare.

Though Jongin was quite shocked with Jongdae's sudden behaviour but he needed to tell the truth that he knew. "Hyung, listen-" once again, he was snapped by Jongdae. "What's there to listen about her? Why should I listen since she was the one who-" this time, the younger one snapped back. "It's a lie! Everything she said was a lie! She never found a better person than you hyung! Never!" Hearing the maknae's words, he was stunned.

Junmyeon, who had been watching the whole scene for a while finally stood up between them. "What lies you know Jongin?" Jongin inhaled deeply before he continued. "Follow me first. Then you'll know." Jongin looked at the elder ones interchangeably with a serious expression.


As if nothing had happened,
You painfully smile toward me,
But your slender white shoulders start trembling...

His palm rested on her right cheek, giving a slight warmth to her. "Sunhan..." his voice sounded so soft and gentle and it hurts her more than anything else at that moment. "Why don't you tell me?" His question only earned a weak smile from her. "I had told you. You just don't listen much." The tears that formed in her eyes gave so much pain to him.

Junmyeon and Jongin who had been standing there for a while decided to walk out from the room to give some space for Jongdae and Sunhan. "When?" He questioned once more, not wanting to give up. But all he earned was a weak smile once more.

Jongin's words came right back into his mind once more. "I heard it has been 2 weeks since she had a very bad fever and it didn't cure easily. And then just now, those bunch of bullies beat her up, thinking that she didn't break up with you yet hyung. That psycho girl said she would even kill you if that would make you both break apart so she was afraid by those words. Oh you know how psycho Myunhee is over you hyung." Jongdae bit his bottom lips as he remembered those words.

He observed the bruises and cuts on her face with a gloomy face. "Sunhan, when?" He asked once more. "Everytime I say that I'm tired." He stared sorrowfully into her hazel orbs. "I'm never tired of you Jongdae. You just don't listen carefully." She continued.

A drop of tears fell on her cheeks. It surprised her to see him that way, but what surprised more was it wasn't a dream. "I'm...sorry," he tried to cover his face but he couldn't. "I really am." He stuttered in between the sobs but he managed to say it.

Slowly, she used her thumb to wipe his endless tears. "Why were you crying? It wasn't your fault." He shooked his head. "Don't you know how painful it is to see you like this? I have no one else in this world no more to share love. I don't have a family nor relatives. Only you." The tears clouded his vision but he could still see her tearing up as well.

His hand moved from her cheek to her hair, carressing it gently and full with care. "Say it Sunhan. Say it that no matter what happen after this, you'll tell me first and don't you ever keep it as a secret." Their gazes never broke until now.

At the end, she smiled assuringly at him. "Cross my heart."


So hey guys! This one is from the late 2015 so the typing style hasn't change so much from this one.

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