Suho: Misunderstanding

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Suho: Youngae!

He didn't get to save her. All he could do was being dragged by the policemen as he watched her laying in a pool of blood on the middle of the road.


He got a hard slap on his right cheek from his father. He wasn't in fault, but he didn't say anything. Maybe it was his fault for believing in someone who he knew her real self.


The elder man's chest lifted up and down due to anger. His wife slowly took him by his arms, pulling it gently.

Mrs Kim: Calm down. People did mistakes. No one didn't.

He sighed at his wife's word. Gladly she was there with him.

Mr Kim: Sorry son. I'm just...worried. You're my only son and she's my only daughter-in-law. She lost her parents on your marriage day and I don't want any of you to suffer anymore.

Silence roams the air for a while.

Mr Kim: We can't help you on allegations of sexual harassment. You must go through the law court over this since you're under investigation.
Suho: But Youngae...

He stopped. His tears were threatening him by time. Just the thought of her could make him teared up.

Mrs Kim: Don't worry. We'll take care of her.


For a month he had been locked up. He couldn't take care of his sick wife which made him hurt more. But now, he was free and the guilty person was now locked up. He could finally hold his wife hands once he saw her...if she let.

Mr Kim: Youngae is in there.

He didn't respond a thing. In fact, he was all nervous.

Mr Kim: Um...Suho.

He looked at his father, eyes shaking without him noticing.

Mr Kim: The doctor informed me that she's blind.

His heart clenched inside.

Mr Kim: And mute too.

He felt all the guilt over him.

Mr Kim: She can't be cure. She'll stay like that forever.

The pain stung so bad that he felt like he was the baddest guy ever lived on earth.

Mr Kim: I wish you luck.

He patted his son's shoulder before walking away. Meanwhile Suho was still standing in front of the door. His palms were sweating and so did his whole body. He grabbed the doorknob and breathed in deeply. Pushing the door, he saw her leaning against the pillow. He walked to her slowly, almost making no sounds. Slowly, he called out for her.

Suho: Youngae.

He could see the shock in her face. Gently, he leaned in and hug her. To his surprise, she didn't push him. He quickly hugged her tighter.

Suho: I'm sorry. It's just a misunderstanding. I'm sorry for making you like this. I-

He stopped when he felt her arms wrapped around his body. He just couldn't be more grateful than this. He loosened the hug as her hands pushed his chest a little, asking for gap. He watched her trying to find his face and touched it, smiling as she did so. He couldn't help but to cry, thanked that he could see her again. She wiped his tears with her thumb and slowly leaned in to peck his lips. She smiled, an assuring smile to say that she believed him. He hugged her once more, crying on her shoulders for the next second.

Suho: Thank you for having faith on me.

And he showered her with tears and kisses.

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