Chen: Understand Me

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Youngae: No one would understand me.

His fingers stopped flicking over the chess board. His eyes hawked to her face before he let out roars of laughters.

Chen: Who could or even would understand you? Not even me!

He laughed again, not realizing he broke his best friend's heart into million pieces. She smiled but deep down his words hurt him so bad.

Youngae: Yah Chen can't you be less mean?

She faked a chuckle but he still didn't realized anything.

Chen: Well, you're one player of boys heart and I'm certain to keep my guts up on you.

The laughters never end and her heart broke everytime he did so. She smiled once again and soon discovered that her eyes were going to tear up. Quickly, she stood from her sit and tried to act normal.

Youngae: Excuse me for a while.

Chen just waved his hand, signalling her to go. She turned on her heels and walked away as fast as she could as tears were streaming so fast.


Chen: She say it was for a while.

He looked around, trying to find her small figure. He started to get anxious and worried at the same time. He was about to call her when suddenly her number was on the screen.

Chen: I thought you were dead! Where are you?

He heard her weak chuckle again and that made his heart crushed. Little did she knew that he felt that lately. That she had lost her spirit.

Youngae: I bought us doughnuts and I think I bought too much. Can you come and help me to carry some?
Chen: Geez you're troublesome.

Silence. That made his heart thumpted. He quickly regretted his words but he didn't knew how to apologize.

Chen: B-but I'll get you. No worries. Where are you?
Youngae: The bench facing the trafic light across the road.
Chen: I'll be there in 5.


He saw her sitting on the bench with a pile of plastic bags beside her. He watched her silently from afar. He knew many things had changed in her. She smiled, talked and even dated less. As if she was building a wall around her to lock herself from the world. Most of the time she looked upset.

Sighing, he took out his phone and dialled her number as he kept watching her from afar. It took a while before she could find her phone and answer it.

Youngae: Yes?
Chen: I'm here.

He saw her turning around, searching for him but he knew she couldn't find him since the crowd was big.

Youngae: I can't find you. Where are you?
Chen: Across the road.

She looked again and finally smiled, though her smile wasn't as lively as before. She waved at him and he waved back, ending the call.


Chen walked into the room, eyes were puffy and soaked with sea of tears. He looked at the photo of him and her hung on the wall. He carressed her picture, as tears started flowing.


His eyes were dazzled, his body ached. He looked around trying to find her. The crowds were surrounding them. He slowly stood up and walked to her, hugging her body for the next second.

Chen: Youngae open your eyes!

Her eyes fluttered open slowly. She coughed and blood spilt on his shirt but he never care less. He hugged her tighter, not caring he himself who was injured.

Chen: You need to stay strong. You need to keep your eyes open. Don't close such beautiful eyes. You need to be by my side. Help is coming so you need to stay for a while and-
Youngae: C-Chen...

Her voice trailed at the end. Never he had once heard her being so weak. The fear suddenly came haunting him, making his eyes teared up but he still managed to reply her call.

Chen: Y-yes?
Youngae: I-in m-my r-room, t-the-there w-wa-was a b-box un-under m-my b-bed. C-can y-you l-look a-at it?
Chen: S-su-sure. Anything for you. But we need to look at it together.

She shook her head.

Youngae: I-I d-don't w-want. Y-you s-still d-don't g-get it, d-do you?
Chen: Tell me. Tell me what I don't get.
Youngae: T-the c-con-contain in t-the b-box w-will m-make y-you un-under-understand.
Chen: Why can't you tell me?

Her breath was shorten and it hurted him so badly to see her like this. He grabbed her hand, squeezing it gently as their eyes met.

Youngae: M-my h-heart is al-always f-for y-you...

She put hers and his hand on her chest, finally breathing the last air in her lungs as her eyes shut closed. He trembled. Trembled to see her lifeless. Slowly, he closed the final gap between them, crying on her shoulders as he regretted everything.


He seached under her bed and finally found something. A big grey box with hers and his name on it. Curious, he took it and dusted it a little before opening it. There, hundreds of their photos were kept nicely in place. He looked at the photos one by one, smiling at each of them.

He reached the end of the box and there were a small book in it. He took it and opened it, reading every single bits of words. The deeper he got into the book, the more he understand. But why now?

He stopped reading when a piece of paper fell onto his lap. He took it and opened it.

"Chen, I really hope you will understand without looking at it but it looks like you failed. Sorry for putting high hopes on you. I know that you will never look at me as a life partner as for my attitude. If I say that I'm no player, you will never believe it because in your eyes, I'm sure I was. But honestly, I hate the feeling. That everytime I fall for someone, you wouldn't care. Why? Because I'm just a player. I hate it that you didn't stop me and say that you need me more than them. Maybe because I never even qualified to be your best friend at the first place. And you will never understand my feelings until the day I die."

Chen: You are wrong and right at the same time, Youngae. You were wrong that I didn't care. But you were right that I don't understand. Why did you kept all of this from me?

He cried. Now he knew that he never really knew her. That he never really understand her. That she was suffering alone.

Chen: I love you Youngae.

And another piece of paper fell from the book. There was a question for him.

"A question for Jongdae; if I cry in front of you and tell you everything, will anything change?"

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