Lay: Trust Me

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Youngae: What?
Mrs Yang: Please, honey. We've said to his parents that you liked him too.
Youngae: You what? What the... How dare you?
Mr Yang: This is my last wish-
Youngae: Stop with your last wishes I'm so done! Like how could you guys?!
Mrs Yang: Honey-
Youngae: Don't honey me I'm not toleranting anymore!

She ran outside her house, into her car and drove off without any other words. She was so done by this. Throughout her life, her hobbies, her favourite doings, all of it was controlled by them. She was okay with it once because the reason was always because they can't do it. But this one, what was the reason? Because they can't marry him? How foolish!

Screaming, the shrieking tires and the sudden stop at the middle of the road almost killed her. Luckily, no one was there. Tears. She hate those. Thoughts were running through her mind endlessly.

What if he was somehow bad? What if he hated her because she was a wall for his future with his beloved one? And what if he hated her so much that he would end up torture her to death?


Mrs Yang: Honey, smile a bit. What if others saw your sad face?
Youngae: Do you want me to smile or ran away now and make an even bigger fuss?

The elder woman shut her mouth as she heard her words. She knew, she was wrong. But it seems like money overtake everything. Suddenly the door creaked open, revealing her father.

Mr Yang: It's time.


No words came out from neither the husband nor the wife's mouth. The couple drove off quietly in the same car. But the husband wanted to start the talk.

Lay: So I've heard that you like me as soon as you looked at my picture.

Her tears fell slowly. And that made him stopped the car suddenly. Luckily, the road was empty. In between those tears, her words which she never told anyone was let out.

Youngae: Why can't I just die before anyone else? Wouldn't that be easier?

He knew from the beginning that she never agreed. That she wouldn't say she like him from the first time she saw his picture. He knew it was a lie. Think of it, who would've agree just like that when they didn't know the person?

Youngae: I understand if you were forced too. I'll walk from here. Thanks for the ride.

As she was about to open the door, he pulled her to face him, pulling her into his embrace at the very next second. Magically, she felt safe in his warm embrace that she finally managed to let out every single drop of tears she had kept. His arms got tighter around her, trying to sooth the girl he just met at the wedding hall.

Lay: I'll give you freedom. I'll take you away from here. We'll live at somewhere they can't find us and I'll take good care of you. I'll give you every freedom you've been seeking. I'll make you smile sincerely for the first time after the tragic time of your life.

His words meant deeply for her. Slowly, her hand slid behind his back. He let his shirt drenched with tears, yet he don't care. He knew, she deserve the freedom in her life. Slowly, he kissed her forehead ever so gently. And she let him. She too knew, it wasn't his fault too.

Lay: I'll give you everything. You just need to trust me.

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