D.O: I Miss You Too

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Are you there?
I miss youuuuu

"He didn't reply..." a sigh escaped Junsoo's lips. "I really miss you..."

It's been two days since the last time he replied her messages. It was always making her wonder what did she do wrong to him that made him ignore her messages.

Meanwhile, Kyungsoo grunted for the third time after he received her messages. "She needs to stop being so clingy!" The phone found its way to the passenger seat as he threw it aside. He had had it enough with her. He just couldn't stand her being so clingy and he needed to talk about it- not on the phone but face to face and now, he's already on his way to her house.

The door bell rang, filling the whole roon with its sound, waking her up from her deep thoughts.

"Who would've come here so late?" She thought. As she peaked through the window behind the curtains, a wide grin appeared on her face. She wasted no time running to the door and opened it, greeting him with the brightest smile she had ever showed to anyone. "Oh my I miss you so much Kyungsoo..."

Her feet brought her to him without her realising and the next second she found herself hugging the one she missed the most right now. For a while, they stayed like that but then, he broke the hug with an annoyed look plastered on his face. "Let's go inside first, people are watching." The fact that he said that broke her heart but she was still happy that he came to meet her.

She placed a mug of coffee on the coffee table, specially made for his visit to her house. "You know what oppa? I really miss you! Why don't you reply my texts? I was always hoping-" "Stop being so clingy." "W-what?" He rolled his eyes as he stood up from his seat, gaze still piercing her soul. Maybe he was harsh on her but he wanted her to know what he was thinking about.

"I hate it when you're being so clingy. Stop acting like that." "B-but you're the one who wanted me to act like this before." "THAT WAS BEFORE!" His sudden yell made her tremble in fear. "This is not the Kyungsoo I know..." Kyungsoo scoffed before he continue his words; voice as high as before. "PEOPLE CHANGE JUNSOO! GROW UP AND STOP ACTING LIKE A KID!"


"Junsoo... please... open your eyes... I beg you..." her rigid body gave no response over his request. "Junsoo-ah, forgive me. Stop messing around and open your eyes..." his voice trailed at the end, followed by his sobs and tears. "Yes I miss you. I miss you too. I miss you so much Junsoo. Junsoo-ah, please wake up..." finally he said it. The words that she had always wanted to hear from him. The words that she was waiting all the time.

But why did he say it when she was no longer breathing?

"PEOPLE CHANGE JUNSOO! GROW UP AND STOP ACTING LIKE A KID!" After that moment, she shut her world from his. Never did he receive any messages or calls from her for a long time. Although it was his order for her to not contact him, he started to feel something was off and that feeling haunted him for two weeks.

Until one day, he got a call from an unknown number.

"Hello?" No one responded him. He thought it was only someone who accidentally call him until the person on the other line finally spoke. "Oppa..." it was Junsoo. Hearing her voice made him happy but the only thing that came across his mind was if he showed it to her, she would become clingy again. "Oh, so now you're not using your number to contact me huh? You-" "I miss you. I really do. Stop doing this to me." "I hate you. Go f*ck yourself." And with that, he hit the red button and threw the phone to the other side of bed.

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