Chen: The Sounds of Words

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They don't sound like love words,

"You look great"
"Here's your favourite snack"
"I bought some medicines for you"
"I got you your ever so wanted shoes"
"You're the best"


Chen: I love you.

Don't they mean alike?

Youngae: Are you teasing my blushing cheeks again?
Chen: You look so cute. Can't help myself.

Chuckling, he pinched her nose.


They don't sound like hate words,

"I'm not home for tonight"
"I'm busy"
"Can you give me some space?"
"I can't meet you right now"


Chen: Get out from my life.

What's the different?

Youngae: Chen, why are you like this? Wasn't I enough? Why would you make me like this?

He scoffed.

Chen: You're boring. You're useless. You're just a toy.

He walked out right away.


They don't sound like joking words,

"Get out from my life"
"You're boring"
"You're useless"
"You're just a toy"


Chen: She totally fell for it!

On the 1st April, he pranked another person. Worst, it was his wife. With the help of his friend who acted like a girl flirting with him.

Xiumin: Hey stop laughing. Even I feel bad for your wife.

He stopped. He felt bad too.


This doesn't sound like sorrow goodbyes,

"Thank you, for everything"


It sound like all kinds of words. Tricky.

Chen: Youngae!

He caught her in his arms, trembling fearfully as his eyes laid on her face.

Chen: No no no no don't leave me!

The police came. The kidnappers disappeared. He was left. Alone.


They don't sound like regret words,

"I need you"
"I miss you"
"Be by my side"

When they sounded exactly like love words.

Because at the first place, it was for something sweet. Something lovable.

What could gone wrong right?

On that day, he lost everything.

We'll never know.

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