Chen: Worries

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She was about to continue the ongoing stories that she made but the sound of the creaking door made her stop. Her gaze hawked to the door, revealing her husband behind it. She quickly laid her eyes on her laptop, not wanting to waste much time since it's already midnight. It was all so quiet when suddenly he spoke.

Chen: Youngae, let's sleep.

She lifted her face from the screen to see her husband's face. For a moment, she smiled. Slowly, she stood up from the chair and sat beside him on the bed.

Youngae: That's the last chapter sweetie. I need to finish it.
Chen: But you look so tired.
Youngae: Why are you worrying so much?

He bit his bottom lips as he stared deeply in her eyes.

Chen: Because I love you. And I want you to have a good rest.

She smiled. She knew her husband was worried too much about her health. Lately, she had fainted for some times that made the anxiety gone worse. Gladly, he was there at every moment and she couldn't ask more about it.

She took his hands, carressing it softly with her thumb. Slowly, she leaned in for a hug. A warm hug that he always loved since the beginning. That he was comfortable to be in.

Youngae: I'm all right. You don't have to worry much. I'll stay for a while with you.

With that, she broke the hug and gently laid him down on the bed before taking her place beside him. She pulled the cover over them to make them both in comfort while facing each other. He stared at her face and she stared at his face. Smiling a little, he put his arms around her waist, pulling her body closer to him as he closed the gap between them.

Chen: I can never worry more about you. That's why you need to love yourself.
Youngae: You too.

She planted soft kisses on his lips which he found it so adorable of her. Snuggling closer to her, he finally felt the love for his life. Her fingers started to play with his hairs, intertwining them in between playfully.

She could tell that he was slowly drifting into dreamland since she could hear soft snores from him. Kissing his cheeks for the last time, she slowly got up from the bed and went back to her desk.

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