Xiumin: Cute

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"Aw so cute~"
"Hey I told you I don't like being called that."
"So what? You're too cute and I can't help it."

I miss that. I miss being called cute by you. You, Kim Yunsoo, the one I love with all my heart and soul. My wife and my bestfriend. My everything until the end. Never there is a moment I don't love you. Not even when I'm mad with you.

I hate it back then; seriously, I really really hate it. But now, I'd do anything for you to say it again and I'll let you call me that as frequently as you wish. I won't sulk, I won't get mad. Call me whatever you like, I just wish to hear your voice once again in my life.

"What's so funny?"
"I can't help it but you're too cute!" *giggles again*
"I told you to-"
"-not call you cute, I know. Sorry but I really can't help it."

If I know it will turn out this way, I'd cherish every words that you have for me. Every praises; though it sounds like teases most of the time. I swear, I'll never neglect it.

"How many time do I have to tell you to not call me that!?"
"Y-you don't have to be so mad. I'm just-"
"I hate it! I hate it, you know! Don't call me like that!"

How childish I was back then. Foolishly childish. You're just doing something you love; something innocent and sweet. But what have I said? What have I done? Just because of something so trivial, I've lost a big part of me. The best part yet. The part that denied the existence of imperfections.

You, Kim Yunsoo. I've lost you.

I'm such a fool. I know that I need to take care of you especially with the sickness you have. I know your heart is weak. I know I can't let you feel pressured, bitter and cheerless. I know you're very sensitive.

But I flawed you and your innocence.


I abandoned your call for me.


I rejected your sorrowful plead.


I regret it. I swear, that's the most dumbest thing to ever happen.

While clenching your chest, you drop on your knees as your vision starts to fade. When I turn on my heels, you're lying lifelessly on the floor. No movement at all. Your rigid body stays at its place, never shows a sign that you will get up ever again.

The waiting hours are a torture to me. The smell of medicines roams the entire place just sickens me. But, after that moment, I realise one thing. One thing I should've realise a long time ago.

I'm such an apathetic jerk.

All you ever did was call me cute. It makes you happy, so why did I prevent you from doing something that make you smile?

By the time I realise my mistakes, it's too late. The guy in his white coat informs me that you are no longer breathing. It also means your heart has stop.

And so do mine.

My world tear apart with the information I receive about you. Just like that, you walk away from my life forever. No sweet goodbyes like those in the movies you like. No proper farewell before your very last breathe. But you know what's more distraughting?

The fact that I don't get the chance to apologise and confess my love to you.

"Aw so cute~"
"Hey I told you I don't like being called that."
"So what? You're too cute and I can't help it."

Come back, I beg.


P/S: I'm sorry if it's not the fluff you're looking for. Author-nim is such a hopeless writer :')

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