Chen: Remember Me

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"Her fingers moved!"
"Call the doctor quick!"

Her eyes fluttered open and her sight was greeted by a view of an unfamiliar face. Her gaze trailed to the side and saw a machine letting out beeps every 2 seconds. She inhaled deeply and looked into his brown orbs, trying to speak but her condition wouldn't let. The unknown guy took her hand gently and carressed it with his thumb.

Chen: You're safe here.

He continued whispering in her ears but she didn't heard what he said next. All she felt at that moment was her body was weakening and her eyes shutted close, now greeted by the darkness once again.


"The fans wait for 3 years aren't a waste!"

"6Life's Youngae had woke up from the long sleep!"

"Fans were shocked to know that their idol had lost her memory!"

"Other fandoms show support!"

Chen looked over the articles and sighed. He stared her who was pushed on the wheelchair, out from the hospital, from the black SUV van, hoping that this wasn't real. Suddenly, he felt one hand on his shoulder, making him tilt his head before he saw Kris.

Kris: At least she woke up.

He smiled at his younger bandmate before he sat back at his seat. He noticed that the others were looking at him too with an encouraging smile. It's good to have someone to support you when the burden is just too many.


Shindong: So how does it feel to wake up like this?

She looked at the emcee.

Youngae: Like what?
Shindong: To know that you're an idol and lots of people had waited for you.

She looked at her fans screaming and chanting her name loudly.

Youngae: It felt odd to be honest.

And she looked at the other idol groups in front of her.

Youngae: But it's good to know that my fans' wait weren't a waste now.

The crowd seemed to roar in delight.

Shindong: It wasn't just the fans.

She smiled.

Youngae: Of course. Maybe my family and friends too.
Shindong: What about your close friend?

She didn't got what or who he meant.

Youngae: Who?

The light suddenly went off and the crowd was silence for a while. She was trying to adjust her eyes to see in the dark when slowly a dim light shone the place. On top of where her fans sat was a guy in his winter sweater with hands in the pocket looking at her straightly in the eyes. He walked down the stairs and stopped at the bottom, taking out one hand from the pocket with something in it.

Chen: Youngae.

Her heart thumpted when he called her name. He seemed so familiar but she couldn't remember.

Chen: I too, spend 3 years, hoping you to wake up.

He started to walk again. This time, slower than before.

Chen: It's hard without you around.

She could hear a slight sob from the fans.

Chen: I'm a coward. If it wasn't for your accident, I won't be doing this forever.

He stopped when he reached right in front of her.

Chen: But remember me. This guy who always burden you even he is 3 years older.

And it hit her right at the back of her mind. Everything about him.

Youngae: Jongdae?

The sobs from the crowd was getting louder. Even the emcee was sobbing secretly.

Chen: Yes. Jongdae.

He reached out his hand which held something in it and took the other hand out from his pocket. The lights were dim but it was enough to make her notice what he was showing to her.

Youngae: A...ring?

He nodded.

Chen: For you.

He took her hand carefully so he won't make her injuries worse.

Chen: Would you accept this coward in your life that will try to protect you?

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