Baekhyun: I'm Here

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"Where are you?"

I send the message and put the phone aside. I scramble down my bed and jogs towards the reading room.

Where's that photobook again?

When I finally found a box covered with thin layer of dust on the book shelf, I take it and rest myself on the floor as I open the box. There's a few things in the box. A keychain, a pair of glasses, a palm-sized teddy bear and the most important thing, a photobook full of our memories. Me and Baekhyun.

"Let's see," I mumble as I take the photobook out from the box. I flip it open and the first picture is a picture on our first date. We make funny faces in this picture. I pout and he sticks out his tongue. I giggle as I remember one moment on that day. How Baekhyun shyly approaches me and intertwines my hand with his. It's very cute to see how hard he tries to act natural.

As I shook my head slightly at that memory, I turn to the next page. This is a picture where we have a feast with our classmates. There's both of us getting squished in the middle of everyone and my teacher's dog's nose photobombed the picture. That's also when the first time the story of us is getting known by others. Now I miss my school in the middle of a holiday.

Turning to the next page, I see the picture of both of us in an event at school. I think it's from a festival last year. We're not dressed in our school outfits and in this picture, Baekhyun kneels at me while I'm sitting on the edge of the stage. He's being very playful here with a plastic rose in his hands.

I miss this. I miss everything in this. How nice these pictures but the memories after that is quite bitter. As I flip through the pages, tears form in my eyes but I'm smiling. I laugh as I recall every memory from every picture. I recall his voice, his back view, his smile- everything about him that I could ever think of.

As I open the last page of the book, I see the latest pic of us at a restaurant. Latest, and it's a month ago. His arm is on my shoulder and the grins plastered on our faces are just too happy to be memories.

I miss him terribly.

He's moving from here. Far away from me. Eventhough it's not his desire, he promises to never forget me and asks me to never forget him too.

Dear, I can never forget you. I start my love life with you and I want it to only be you until we grow old.

I put the photobook back into the box and place the box back on the shelf. I drag my feet to my bedroom and pickup my phone to see if there's any message.

There's one. From Baekhyun.

"I'm here."

And my doorbell rang.

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