Suho: Distance

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"I'm moving out. Far away from this city." His words echoed inside her head as she struggled to break free from the reality.

"M-move? W-when?"

"By the end of next year, I guess." His voice trailed at the end, sad and gloomy unlike always. "That's why I want you to stay for now. Let me spend another year with you. Maybe our last year together before I go," he said again. He had put up all the hopes he got for his love of life, Hana, to not transfer to the another school.

She looked at him straight into the eyes, finding some clues if he was lying but no, he wasn't, which ached her heart a little.

"You fool, selfish jerk. You want me to stay and yet you will go away. How could you even say something so selfish?"

A small chuckle escaped her lips as she hold her tears back. Her right hand formed a fist and she punched him slowly at his arm. "I stay and then you'll go? Bad boy," she whispered under her breath as she kept her head hung low. Junmyeon smiled a little before he pulled her small figure into his embrace.

"Please stay. I want to spend more time with you."

A year passed...

"It's only 22 days before the last day we can meet each other. It's not long Hana."

"It is long!"

"No it's not. The days after that day are the ones that long." Her lips dried as she realised the truth in his words. She did realised the whole thing but she just didn't want to accept the truth. She wanted to believe that there's still a chance for them to meet up somewhere in the future.

After a long silence between them, she finally spoke. "You don't want to try to meet me even after you've moved out?" Her brown orbs shone under the dim rays of sunlight that managed to escape through the cloudy sky. Drops of water started pouring around them but it couldn't make them walk from their places.

"I want to, but how?" His question were barely hearable as the sound of the waters hitting the ground slowly getting louder by time. When his question knocked her hearings, her heart shattered to pieces over the fact that she knew he was only looking forward over their relationship for maybe a couple of years forward.

"We can still be us even in 10 years apart, right?"

Sadly, she couldn't say what she had been wanting to say for so long. She pulled out a weak smile at him as she grabbed his wrist. "Let's take shelter. I don't want you to get sick," she said as she pulled him away from the rain.

A slight awkwardness roamed the atmosphere around them as they watched the rain pouring heavily from the hut. Junmyeon knew Hana was very upset but he too had something he couldn't tell.

"I want to be together with you forever. You said you want me to be your future husband but our situation now makes it look so impossible."

"We're only 18, you know? There are lots of things awaiting us in the future." There's no word from her as a response which made him continue speaking. "And you... you might find someone better than me."

"That thing again," she whispered under her breath as she took a step closer to him, their fingers intertwined with each others' at the very next second. "Just a reminder, they might be better but they're not you."

Little did she knew her words might made him cry on the spot. He hardly knew love after those rough things that happened to him throughout his life and those words were everything he wanted to hear. He loved her from the bottom of his heart because she always say the right thing at the right moment as if she knew he longed those words. Couldn't bear to let her see him cry, he quickly pulled her into his embrace as his tears streamed down his face. "Gosh, I don't want to leave you."

The sound of his sobs was visible to her ears eventhough the rain was still pouring heavily. Slowly, she wrapped her arms around him and patted his back softly. "I know," she said. "I'll buy a car someday and drive to your place."

He chuckled a bit when he heard her. "No, it should be me visiting you," he argued back only to get a small chuckle from her.

"Whatever you want, cry baby," she said.

"Hey you're a cry baby too," he pouted as she broke the hug.

Gently, she wiped his tears away and gave a quick peck on his lips. "We'll meet again someday right?"

"Of course."

"And you will still love me right?"

"Always. I'll try my best to never let this feeling fade away."

She giggled at his words. "Cringy."

"But you like it."

"What do I ever dislike about you, Junmyeon?"

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