Chen: I Forgot

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The door cracked open, revealing the tiredsome Chen. Not noticing her at the corner of the room, he yelled for her name. Wiping all the tears away, she stood up from her place and turned to him.

Youngae: I'm here.
Chen: So what are you waiting for? Where's my tea?

Chen hated coffee because she made the tea tastier than coffee. It never made any senses but she just agreed. Without letting out a single sound, she went to the kitchen counter, taking out a tea that she had specially made for him. She gave it to him and without any smile or thanks, he quickly drink it. Finishing the hold cup, he finally spoke.

Chen: You should make it better. It tasted bad.

No more thanks. No more smile. No more praising. No more love. There was just frown on his forehead. There was just the harsh voice of his. There was just scoffs everytime she did something. And that finally make her say those words.

Youngae: You don't love me anymore, do you?

He stopped doing everything he was about to do upon hearing her words. He could hear frantic sobs, but he wondered was it because of him? He didn't dare turning around, as he knew her tears would weaken him everytime.

Youngae: You won't care if I go now right?

Hearing it seems hurtful to him. How could he not? She was his other half. What she felt, he felt. But really?

Youngae: Silence means yes. You told me that when you proposed me.

He still didn't even look at her. Slowly, the sobs were getting slower by time. And that made his heart thumpting even louder. Did she really go? He slowly turned, finally brave to face her. She was there. But it somehow made sense with 'go'.

Chen: Youngae!

He ran towards her, kneeling while hugging her body. Cold. As ice. He trembled in fear. Shaking her body lightly, his tears fell to her cheeks. Not wasting any time, he carried her, harshly opening the door and into the car.


He waited anxiously. Half of his heart had dead because of this. He recalled how harsh he had been treating her, not reminded that she didn't have much time in this world by his side. He forgot their anniversary which was today. He forgot everything about her. He never deserved her even at the beginning.

A man in white coat walked out of the room. He quickly stood up and walked to him.

Dr. Kim: You're her husband?

He nodded slowly.

Dr. Kim: We couldn't do anything to save her, but we manage to make her stay for a few time for now. I suggest you meet her privately since she didn't have much time for now.

Once again he nodded and started walking in. Once he reached her, he couldn't help but to cry. If only his tears can be the cure to her sickness, he won't regret it anymore.

Chen: I broke my promise, Youngae.

She looked at him sadly. Her eyes are teary as well.

Chen: Can't you survive? Can't you stay by my side forever?

She finally let out the tears. Even though he hurt her badly, she couldn't help but to see the man she loved so much cry. Weakly, she reached out for his hand.

Youngae: I-I l-lo-love y-you...

And she closed her eyes. Forever. Leaving everyone around her. Including him.

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