Baekhyun: My Fault

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Luhan and Suho tried their very best to stop Jongdae from beating up Baekhyun. Jongdae's tears flowed, not only because he lost his one and only sister but also because he put all his trust on a guy named Baekhyun to take care of her.


Jongdae's screams and wails were like wind to Baekhyun. All that he could do was to stare sadly at everyone and tried his best to not cry. He knew...that Jongdae's words were true.


Baekhyun: You don't want to admit it? Even after YOU WATCHED THAT VIDEO?!!

He could see tears in her eyes but the rage got full control over him.

Youngae: I-I really... I w-won't do such t-things to y-you...

A hard pang hit her right on her cheeks, making her stumbled down to the ground and twisted her ankle.


Chanyeol came running towards his mother when he saw her being hurted by his own father but before he coukd even reached her, Baekhyun pulled him away.

Baekhyun: Stay with appa, Chanyeol. Your mother is useless!

Chanyeol wanted to struggle away so badly but his father's grip was so tight that it was impossible to move.


Suho: Yah yah yah Jongdae fainted!

Baekhyun's thoughts were distracted by the shouts of his friends. Right in front of him laid Jongdae unconscious on the floor. He saw Jongdae's wife came running towards the crowd but he couldn't care less. His thoughts were distracted once again by her.


Baekhyun: Get out.

The luggages were thrown away right in front of her, and Chanyeol was right behind Baekhyun, tearing up to see his poor mother.

Youngae: N-no... not without C-Chanyeol...
Chanyeol: Omma...

The 7 years old boy was about to walk up to her but his father quickly pulled him back.


Baekhyun's roar made him stiffen in fear. His tears were about to fall but he forced it to stay on its place considering he didn't want his mother to watch him crying when he was with his father. Youngae looked up at Baekhyun stunted by his actions towards his son.

Youngae: How could you raise your voice over him?

Baekhyun's attention was now fully over her. He smirked devilishly before he stepped forward and glared deathly into her orbs.

Baekhyun: Better than you, going out secretly with Luhan.

But it seemed like his words didn't caught her 100%. It was more like trapping him back.

Youngae: But I don't have child with other man.

His eyes widened open, shocking him with her words. She smiled, not smirking but a weak smile. Without any last words, she took the luggage and went out.


Luhan: Hey.

Baekhyun looked up and he could see that Luhan was standing right in front of him. Maybe his mind was too focused on the past yet he didn't realize Luhan was already there. He shot his sad eyes over Luhan, gesturing him to continue his words.

Luhan: Youngae never did that. But I did. And I know I'm wrong. But you should've trusted her more.


Chanyeol walked downstairs, trying to find his father but his body was just too weak due to the fever he had.

Chanyeol: Appa...

Baekhyun was downstairs, but he didn't care a single bit about that little boy. He was too focused on chatting with Myunhee. He gave up on calling him and started to climb down the stairs. But before he knew, he stepped on a piece of paper and slipped down to the end. Finally, he caught his father's attention.


He walked down the cold empty street with an empty heart. The thoughts of her and his son never left his mind, haunting him every single second.

Baekhyun: Jongdae's right. I should die.

He looked around and saw a very gigantic building a stone's throw away from him. He walked aimlessly towards that building and managed to get in without any difficulities. He walked and walked and walked and finally reached the top. He stood at the edge of the cliff, feeling the cold night air with his open skin.

Baekhyun: I'm sorry for everything, Youngae.

And he jumped.


So hey there again guys! This is the style I was talking about. I hope you didn't mind it being like this hehe and please do continue enjoying my oneshots ;)

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