Lay: Happier

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I stare at my phone screen for a long time. Heesoo updated another story at her instagram account.

I'm having a battle between my mind and my heart to whether see it or not.

My mind says, "No! Don't see her story or else it'll take forever to move on from her."

My heart says, "Just check out if she's doing okay while you still can."

Of course, most of the time, heart wins over mind. I click on her story and there's a picture of her, smiling like nothing ever scarred her. Her smile is always so genuine and that's only the small part I love about her.

She looks happier in every picture indeed, eventhough there's no me inside every picture.

I wonder if she's really okay.

What if she only fakes her smile?

But what if she's really okay?

That means, I'm the only one hurting from this, right?

That means she really gave up on me, right?

But I know she's not like that.
I know she's hurt.
Maybe even greater than me.

And even if she's happier now, I should be happy too.
No one can hurt her now.
No one can make her cry now.
No one can steal her love for herself now.

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