Kai: I'm Not Guilty

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He watched her from afar. She was brought by the nurses, further from him. He didn't know what to do. What to think. What to act. What to say. But his tears said everything.

Kai: Youngae...

Why her? Out of all, why her? Why not him? His thoughts made him a little more confused. If he knew, he wouldn't act like that. Even though he wasn't fully guilty.


Mrs Kim: Kai! Why are you doing this? She's your wife!

She hid behind her mother-in-law's back but that couldn't stop the raging Kai. He took her by the wrist, pulling it as hard as he could.

Youngae: O-oppa...
Mr Kim: Kai stop! Why are you acting like this?

He pushed her away, making her land right on the back. It aches, but the pain was completely different from the ache in her heart. The sudden ring of her phone made the room quiet. She took her phone, answering it.


She pressed the red button, trying to not face her husband at that time.

Youngae: I-I need to g-go.

She suddenly felt the piercing nails digging into her shoulders. Her body was spun around, forcefully by one hand.

Kai: With who? You want to meet your flirt boyfriend and leave your husband behind?
Mrs Kim: Kai stop! Stop for the sake of your life!
Youngae: I-I'll go n-now...

Without much more words, she left the house.

Mr Kim: You're happy? Accusing her like that?
Kai: But I'm not guilty!
Mrs Kim: Will such actions turn you into the innocent one?

He could only stare her car driving off from his sight. He had no idea about the future ahead him.


Kai: I'm here, sweetie.

His thumb carressed her rosy cheeks. It's hard to not let the tears fall. His knees suddenly grew weak, making him semi-fall on the floor. He grabbed her hand, kissing it along with the endless tears.

Kai: I'm sorry.

He didn't had any other words. He just wanted to seek for her forgiveness. At least that.


Yeji: Hey I'm checking out something. Keep practicing, okay?

She could only nod. The others had went out, leaving her all alone with the sadness no one knew. After about a moment, she heard the sound of footsteps and cracking door, thinking it was one of the girls. Without even looking, she continued playing the piano. What she felt next was a smooth hard metal piercing through her skin. Her breath got short, air wouldn't enter her lungs. A forceful loud bang came from the piano as she plopped on it. Next, she felt someone pulled her hair and moved closer to her ear.

"Now you'll find your real home."


Kai: I don't want you to leave me now.

Silence. He could only hear that. Suddenly, he heard the door crack open. The face of his brother-in-law appeared. Kris. Or his real name, Wu Yifan.

Kris: What are you doing here?

His words were cold. Cold enough to make his guilt even worse.

Kai: H-hyung...
Kris: I know, you're not guilty in the flirting case.

Kai could only face the floor as he said those words.

Kris: I don't want her to hurt. I want you to divorce her.

The tears that was about to dry up came out again. But Kris continued his words.

Kris: But she'll hurt more if you're not by her side.


Days past by. She never open her eyes yet but he waited patiently. Same as the days before, he came to take care of her.

Kai: I've brought your favourite flower.

No response. Of course. He sat beside her, taking her by the hand.

Kai: I miss you. When will you wake up? The kids need you, so do I. I'll make you happier. Happier than before. With cats. You love them, right? I'll buy for you. As many as you want. I'll take care of you better. I'll love you more. I'll never raise my voice again. I won't hurt you-

Her fingers suddenly twitched at his words. He jumped in surprise with a smile starting to creep on his face but it faded before he could even do anything and all he could hear next was...


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