Luhan: We Meet Again

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"This keychain is for you"

She smiled as she thought about him. The person with the same name as her crush. The first boy who gave her something.

She looked in front, looking at her future husband who will be her husband in just a few more minutes. She smiled to him and he smiled back. Somehow it felt so reassuring.

Luhan: Ready?

He sounded like he was whispering. She could only chuckle along with nodding her head.

After a few words and stuffs, they're now officially married. On the trip home, they chatted a bit.

Luhan: So... were you dating when our parents decided to make us together?

Yes, somekind like forced marriage. But not like other complicated story, they're happy eventhough it was planned by their parents.

Youngae: I've promised myself to never date anyone except... well now, you.
Luhan: What?
Youngae: My future husband.

He nodded and chuckled. He was kind of attracted to her personality. She wasn't that very shy to talk about herself to him on their first blind date and she was quite straight foward with everything.

The ride was full with chatters and laughters. Though they can't pick their life partners by themselves, at least they tried to love each other without rebelling.


Luhan: Woah it's kinda big.
Youngae: Yeah woah cool. Park quick Luhan. I can't wait to see inside.

He quickly parked the car as she said so. They both hopped out from the car and both were too excited to look around. They unlocked the door were totally amazed by the big hall. One thing blocking the way, their stuffs.

Youngae: Would've been nice if we clean up first?
Luhan: Or change clothes.

But suddenly it became awkward. Well...

Youngae: Um maybe I'll close the door first.

He nodded awkwardly and they both when separated ways. She went to the door and he went to look over their stuffs. Suddenly he saw one keychain, a cat shaped keychain. Looks old but it reminds him of something. Without realizing, she was already beside him.

Youngae: Oh! That keychain!

She exclaimed happily as she took the keychain from him. He looked at her, still confused.

Luhan: Yours?
Youngae: Yup. A friend gave me when I was six. On the last day at kindergarten.
Luhan: First love eh?

He teased her a bit which made her chuckled.

Youngae: No. But the name I used to call him was the same as my first love's name.
Luhan: Can I know?

She smiled as she stared at the keychain.

Youngae: Han.

He looked at her, shocked but by the next second he laughed. At himself.

Luhan: Long time no see, my first love.

She turned her head at him, confused with his words.

Youngae: What?
Luhan: Um may I...?

He opened his arms a bit, gesturing of hugging her and unconsciously, she nodded. He hugged her tight as he swayed her side by side. How could this happen?

Luhan: I've been remembering you all life Youngae. I'm Han. Sadly, not the one that you-

He was stopped when she hugged him tighter.

Youngae: I too, have been remembering you all life. Not the Han that I love, but the Han that I secretly wish to love me.

And that made them realize if it wasn't for their parents, they wouldn't meet again. Ever.

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