Chanyeol: Ice Cream

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"Minae-ah...d-don't cry," he stuttered as he watched her teary eyes. "Ok ok I'm sorry I teased you too much. B-but please don't cry, cupcake." His slender finger wiped off her tears from her cheeks, only to earn a punch on his chest.

"You know I don't like cockroaches!" She cried over the fact that he put a cockroach on her shoes; eventhough it's just a toy but still it caught her off guard.

"Ok ok I'm sorry. Ice cream?" He grinned awkwardly in hopes she'll just agree and smile.


"As always, that cute face of hers. It's surely easy to persuade her."

"Let's go! I want chocolate, that vanilla with the caramel thingy, oreo, mocha-" she listed every flavour that she could think off as she lead the way to the ice cream stall. Meanwhile, Chanyeol trailed from behind as he watched her childish yet cute act along the way.

"Never fail to make me melt with your happiness too."


The sound of the alarm woke him from his deep slumber. Or maybe to be precise, that dream just now disturbed his beauty sleep.

"I dream of you again, Minae. What am I supposed to do, cupcake? I just can't forget you like you've asked me to."

He put the back of his hand on his forehead and slowly closed his eyelids. The back of his mind rewinded to the day where he lost his love of life.

On that day, that very special day, he decided to prank her for her birthday. Yes, her birthday. And it all started with a phone call.

"Minae-ah, I don't wanna live anymore."
"W-what? C-chanyeol, what are you-"
"I'm going to cut myself. I give up on living."
"N-no Yeollie...that's...that's-"
"I love you so much. But I just can't continue-"
"Where are you? Let me see you for once."
"Where else can I go except my own house-"
"Wait for me."

The door opened and shut close as she flabbergastedly put on her shoes without ending the call. His house was only a stone's throw away from hers so she could arrive there in 2 minutes if she ran.

Along the way, she kept on calling out for his name, wanting to make sure he was still there. On the other hand, he tried his best to not laugh so he wouldn't ruin the surprise but little did he know he was the one that would be surprised later.

Just before he could reach his door across the road, a wreckless driver hit her hard that she flew a few feets aside the road. Everything happened so fast that Chanyeol stiffened at his spot as he listened to everything; tyres shrieking, crashing stuffs and also...

Her calls for him to not kill his self.

Chanyeol blinked his eyes twice before he recalled what happened next. He remember how he jolted out from his house and the first sight that greeted his eyes was the sight of a car driving away without helping the one it hit and the sight of her seriously injured self desperately trying to crawl to her phone. His heart crumbled at how hard she was struggling to reach to her phone.

He wasted no time sprinting to her after calling for an ambulance. When she finally realised it was him that was kneeling in front of her, she couldn't help but to smile despite the pain that stung her. "D-don't kneel," she commanded. "Y-yo-your p-pant-s w-will g-get d-dir-ty," she said as she was referring to the pool of blood around her.

"God, what have I done to you?" He cried over the frightful sight. "I'm sorry Minae. I'm so sorry. I was only planning a surprise for your birthday. God I hate suicides so much. I hate what I've done to you. Please Minae please stay with me. You're going to-"
She couldn't hear what he said next as her hearings started to fade away and so did her visions.

Chanyeol's breath hitched and tears started pooling his eyelids as he watched her slowly giving up on living. "N-no...d-don't...." he whispered underneath his breath as he gently rested his palm on her cheeks. "! No, stay with me, cupcake. Please stay with me. Please...

I'll get your favourite ice cream..."

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