Luhan: A Tragic Love

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He ran into the forest, pushing awag all the branches as he dashed through the bushes. He need to reach her in time. He must.


Youngae: What will you do if you find me nowhere tomorrow?

He looked at her.

Luhan: Why ask such thing?
Youngae: Just answer.

He stared into her brown orbs with a soft yet determined stare.

Luhan: I'll search for you. And I won't stop until I find you.


His leg accidently tripped over a long, making him fall flat on his face. But he didn't care. He need to find her no matter what.


Tao: What are you doing Luhan? You're making our plans fail!

He sighed hard.

Luhan: I know. I just...

Seeing him stuttering over his own words, Tao gasped.

Tao: Don't tell me that you really love her now?


They're wrong. It wasn't her in the first place. They're wrong. He need to move fast. In a flash of light, he used all his strenght to stand up and ran again to find her. He finally reached the abandoned castle at the top of the hill. He barged into the hall but he was too late now to stop them.

Luhan: NOOOOOOO!!!

She fell right in his arms, not making any movements. Her dark red blood dripped down her neck but when it fell on the floor, it's not like what they expected.

Xiumin: Her blood...
Lay: Why doesn't it turn black?
Chen: Isn't she the Dark Vampire?

Of course, it wasn't only him but everyone saw it. The 5 vampires stood there, shocked at what they've witnessed until Kris stepped foward.

Kris: You knew it right? So why don't you-
Luhan: I tried! But you won't listen!

He hugged her tight as he sobbed on her shoulder.


Jungae: By now, they'll kill my twin, not me.

He clenched his fist as his eyes turned red in no time.

Luhan: Don't you care if she die?

She turned to him and laughed sinisterly.

Jungae: The only one that care if she die is you.

Before he could jump and kill this real Dark Vampire, she disappeared in the shadows, leaving no trace for him.


Just because they're blood related, their aura seemed so similar that it's hard to discribe who was who.

Luhan: I shouldn't meet you, Youngae. You won't die like this if you didn't met me.

They stood there and watched their brother cried for someone he loved with all his heart.

Luhan: I'm sorry.

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