Chen: Quarrels

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Chen: I think Jerry is the best since she's the good one.
Youngae: Well excuse me? Jerry? The good one? And since when you knew that the little mouse was a 'she'?
Chen: Of course-

The sudden sound of door creaking make them both flinched and distanced themselves. A woman in the early 70s approached to them with the old smile on her face.

Mrs Yang: Were you both fighting again?
Youngae: Chen start it first!

A bit offensed by her words, he quickly spun around and turn to the elderly woman.

Chen: I'm not in fault! She's the one starting it by stating Tom is better than Jerry!
Youngae: Of course the cat is better than mouse! And for the fact, people loves cat more than mouse!
Chen: You-
Mrs Yang: Aigoo stop that okay? You're giving me goosebumps over your fights.

They stared at each others eyes and then turned their back against each other.


Time fly so fast that it's been 20 years since that day when they're 6. Like always, they will stick together forever and also since they've made the vows about 3 years ago. Some things do changed in between them but some didn't. Like the fights. Only it got more bloody this time.

Youngae: What excuse you want to use? It's really you right Chen? That's you, the guy with some women naked around him in that picture right?!

The quarrels never end. Guy was so much egoistic than her.

Chen: What? Can't I have some fun?
Youngae: W-what- How could you? You're married! You've fcking married me!
Chen: Don't raise your voice over me! Or else-
Youngae: Or else what? You'll kick me out from your life-

Her body contacted the floor as she felt her cheeks burned on one side. She held her cheeks as her tears couldn't be stop no more. It hurts. But what hurts more was the fact that the one who slapped her was Chen, her own beloved husband.

Chen: Yes, I'll kick you out from my life and enjoy the sexy girls around me! You're no match for them!


"Chen started it first!"
"And I promise that I'll love you until forever separates us..."
"You're no match for them!"

She heard the noises, but she have no idea where did it came from. She heard sobbings but she could barely open her eyes. She gave up all her strenght and finally opened her eyes. Her sight was greeted by the crying Chen beside her. He already knew about her sickness. He was sobbing hard even after he saw her woke up.

Chen: I'm sorry. I'm really sorry. I didn't meant what I say. I take back all of my words. I'll give up in all our previous fight. You're right. You're always right. I'm the bad one. I admit everything. You win in every game but please just don't leave me. Don't leave me alone. Don't give up now. I don't want you to be away from me. I want you to be forever with me just-
Youngae: C-chen...

Her cold fingers tried to squeeze his palm with all the tiniest strenght. He looked her in the eyes, wishing for the worst to not happen.

Youngae: Maybe out of all the women in this world, I'm not the only one for you. Maybe that's why I'm leaving you earlier.
Chen: No no no don't say such words. I love you, Youngae. Why would you leave me?
Youngae: C-ca-can y-you...

She hardly breathes as his tears flowed a lot more than before.

Youngae: S-st-stay s-strong w-wi-with-without m-me?

He could only shook his head now. The continous tears tells everything.


He stared at the stone, eyes teared up everytime he read those words on the stone.

"Died of heart cancer. The aches in it must've hurt her a lot. Now, she can rest in peace... 1992-2018"

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