Baekhyun: My Beautiful Wife

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The bandage around his eyes were opened. Unfamilliar with the surroundings and lights, he grunted. Adjusting his eyes for a second, he heard a voice calling out for his name. Familliar, but it took a while for him to recognize it.

Yeji: Baekhyun.

He finally see her. Smile as angelic as always but he realized something.

Baekhyun: Who are you?

Shocked, of course.

Yeji: What?

She wanted to cry, but how? Now that no longer did she had her eyes.

Baekhyun: Where's my wife?
Yeji: Baek, I am Yeji, your wife.

The doctor which just stood still just now finally spoke after watching them for a while.

Dr Kim: Sir, this is your wife. She's the-
Baekhyun: Liar!

Silence roamed the air for a moment. He glared at her from head to toe and scoffed. He pointed his finger right at her face with a smirk plastered on his lips.

Baekhyun: My wife is pretty. She has pretty eyes. Unlike you! Your blindness is just a burden!

Again, none spoke. Yeji wanted to, but she accepted everything that he said. She really believed that she was only a burden. Scoffing again, he turned to the doctor.

Baekhyun: How long will I stuck here?
Dr Kim: You can go back home after 3 weeks.
Baekhyun: Will this handicapped person visit me?

Even the doctor was speechless. How could he answer such question? But Yeji was fast eventhough she was blind.

Yeji: I won't and forever won't.

She asked the nurse to pull her wheelchair, not waiting or even wanting to hear anything from the man she loved so much with all her heart content. Baekhyun, on the other side, felt a deep cut deep down in his heart. Though he was the one who said everything, but now he too was the one who wanted to chase her.


He waited patiently for 3 weeks and finally he can go. Yes, never he had seen her. Not even once. He packed his clothes, but he didn't realize something.

Baekhyun: Should I?

He felt bad. But he didn't know what to do. Suddenly it crossed his mind about his best friend, Oh Sehun. He quickly asked for permission to contact him from the doctor.


Sehun:'re feeling good?
Baekhyun: Yeah.

His voice trailed at the end which made Sehun wondered what's wrong with him but he let that one. Quickly, he changed the topic.

Sehun: I heard that your injuries are bad.
Baekhyun: Huh? No.
Sehun: You sure? Because last time I saw you, you're wounded all over your body.
Baekhyun: Whatever. So where's my sister?
Sehun: Don't say you had amnesia. Leehyun is at Japan okay?
Baekhyun: Why?
Sehun: Duh she continued her studies and this is her first year.
Baekhyun: So who packed my clothes?
Sehun: It's your wife of course! Why ask such question?


The door was knocked. Without looking, he asked that person to come in.

Dr Kim: Have a-
Baekhyun: Tell me.

Surprised, he looked up. Yes, it was him, the patient who yelled at his wife. And the donor.

Dr Kim: About?
Baekhyun: Stop the game you know what I want to know.
Dr Kim: You sure you want to know?

He himself was speechless.

Dr Kim: You were in coma for about 2 weeks and she take care of you everyday. You lost most of your blood, one kidney and two eyes.

He paused.

Dr Kim: She donored everything. She was handicapped because she wanted to save you in that accident and her legs were trapped.

What was he supposed to say? Did he even had words to say?

Dr Kim: Even after that very day you first opened your eyes, she brought your clothes for you. She take care of you secretly.

He looked into the elder man's eyes.

Baekhyun: Where is she?

He didn't dare to tell him but he had to.

Dr Kim: This morning, we didn't expect this.

It was silence for a while.

Dr Kim: But her body went too weak.

His heart thumpted.

Dr Kim: We knew her body couldn't survive with only one kidney. We tried our best to save her.

He didn't want to hear what's next.

Dr Kim: But god loves her more.


Baekhyun: Take it back, Yeji. Take everything back.

He stared at her pale face as tears formed in his eyes. Slowly, his sobs were getting louder.

Baekhyun: Take everything back now. I don't need it. All I need is you. You beside me. Your smile. Your voice. Your love. Your warmth. Your everything.

He crouched to the cold floor, intertwining his hands with hers as he kissed it softly with tears running down his cheeks.

Baekhyun: Wake up. Don't leave me. I won't ever be mad at you. Ever. I won't raise my voice to you. I won't make you cry. I would make your everyday the best day. I won't ask you to do anything. You just need to sit and relax. I will make you like a queen. But you need to wake up. Wake up from this coffin.

How he wished to take back everything bad he had said to her. How he wished for a proper goodbye, eventhough he didn't wanted to but that was the least. Now that everything was gone, why would he live?

Baekhyun: Bring back my beautiful wife...

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