Sehun: Attention Seeker

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"Meow~" The cat purred and snuggled at her feet, demanding to be carressed again. "Bin-ahh I'm trying to make coffee here," "Meow," the cat seemed like he didn't care as he kept on purring and snuggling at her feet. Seeing like his master was starting to ignore him, he rolled his body on the floor and that was the last attempt to make his master fall for his cuteness. "Right, Bin," she sighed in defeat as she picked him up. "You won, plus my coffee is done so let's go." She placed the chubby-looking cat on her shoulder and walked to the living room.

Sehun had just done with his paper works. He twisted the doorknob and started walking toward the stairs. He stretched for a bit before he dragged himself downstairs. He could see from above that Chaerim was playing with Bin but he didn't say a thing. He walked quietly to the kitchen as if he was a ghost in this house. He took the last two pieces of sandwich and ate it at the counter while his eyes were still on the cat. Swallowing the last bite, he walked to the sink and washed his hands before he went to the living room.

It seemed like she wasn't aware of his being as she was too busy playing with the cat. He stood behind the couch, hoping that she would realize his existence but no. It looked like she could play with the cat and ignore her surroundings forever. Finally, he groaned in defeat and stepped to the front of the couch. "Playtime's over, Bin," he took the cat from her laps and placed it on the floor. "Her laps are mine now," he exclaimed as he sat down quickly and rested his head on her laps. "And you, my love of life," he paused as he pointed on finger at her face which made her startled. "You shall carress me more than the cat," he closed his eyes shut as soon as he said that, waiting for her fingers to play with his hair.

He heard a small giggle from her and his heart skipped a beat. "Anything for my husband," she let her fingers tangled in his dark brown hair which felt so soft and smooth. He liked it so much everytime she did that because it felt like he could feel her love even at her fingertips. Suddenly, he felt something heavy pounding on his abdomen which made his eyes fluttered open to see what happened. There, he saw the cat streching himself before he laid down in a ball to take a nap. He heard her chuckle a bit while he smiled as he watched the cat. "Suit yourself. As long as I get my attention from Chaerim."

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