[Editing] Chapter 7 ~ Megumi's Past [Part 1] ~

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First Arc: Megumi's Past [Part 1]

A 6 years old Megumi stood at the front row of the students. They were about to go on a school trip to the city! The little raven head was jumping in excitement.

"Megu-ne, you will sit next to me, right?" a brown haired girl clinged to Megumi's arm.

"Mhm.. Don't worry, Hicchan!" Megumi smiled at her sister.

The brunette mirrored her sister's smile and snuggled closer to her.

"Oi, Hikari! Don't cling too much on Megumi. Both of you won't grow tall if you keep clinging onto each other like that!" Another raven head walked over to them. His blue eyes giving the two a stern look. But, it softened when he saw Hikari on the verge of crying.

"Don't be mean to Hicchan, aniki!" Megumi hugged Hikari protectively.

"You two," Their older brother sweatdropped at their antics. He sighed, "Anyway, here are your bentos. You forgot them earlier."

"Arigatou, aniki.." Megumi gave her brother a hug.

"Arigatou, onii-chan.." he got another hug from Megumi's twin.

"Ah, Minato-kun. Did you come to see your sisters off?" A teacher came to the siblings.

"Kind of. They forgot their bentos.." Minato looked up at the teacher before gently peeling his sisters off him. "Be careful, okay.."

"Okay~" the twins chorused.

Minato gave them a pat on the head before excusing himself to go to school. He looked back and waved at his sisters.

"Bye-bye, onii-chan!"

"Bye, aniki.."

After that, they boarded the bus and off they went to Tokyo.

Megumi has always been close to her twin sister. They may not look the same since Megumi who is older by 10 minutes has their mother's looks while Hikari has their father's. But, they do everything together. Megumi is very protective of her sister while Hikari is the peacekeeper.

When they arrived, they went to visit a school where they watched tons of performances and even got some new friends. Then, they went to a muzium and a zoo.

It was a wonderful trip. Megumi and Hikari always sticked together.

"Alright, children~ it's lunch time!" One of the teachers announced.

"Yeahh!" All the kids cheered and started finding their places at the park to eat.

Megumi set up the picnic blanket under a tree while Hikari looked after their bags.

After Megumi finished, Hikari put their bag on the blanket. Megumi took her bag.

They both pulled out their bentos and water bottles.

"Ah, Megumi-chan and Hikari-chan.. Have you gotten an apple yet?" a teacher asked.

"Not yet." Megumi answered.

"Here you go then~" the teacher gave them an apple each.

"Arigatou, sensei.." the two chorused.

"You two are really close~ that's so adorable.." the teacher beamed.

Then, she went to give the other kids their apples.

They continued eating until their bentos were empty.

"Let me wash them, Hicchan. Can you help clean up here?" Megumi got up with their empty bentos in her tiny hands.

"Mhm.. I'll do my best!" Hikari nodded.

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