Nothing lasts forever

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Adam's: POV

I heard a scream from Nikki's room and I rushed in. "Shhh honey, it was only a nightmare." I said calmly. "Dad." she replied and hugged me. "I'm here." I said and platted her cheek. Tears ran down her cheeks and her body shook. "Will you tell me what your nightmare was about?" I asked. "I dreamed about you and dad divorced." said Phoenix. "We'll never separate." I replied. "Promise?" she asked. "Promise." I said.


"Are you okay Adam?" asked Terrance Spencer. "I'm just a bit worried about Nikki, this is the first time in several weeks she has woken up from a nightmare." I said. "Poor girl." he replied. "I have to go home now." I said. "Thanks for the chat." replied Terrance and I nodded.

I barely had time to close the door before someone pressed his lips to my mouth. I tried to push him away but the kiss was just more violent. Then I heard the familiar sound of cameras that snapped pictures. I opened my eyes and the anger boiled inside of me.

"What the hell are you doing?" I asked coldly. "I just felt to kiss my boyfriend." said Sauli. "I'm not your boyfriend." I replied. "Yes you are." he said with a smirk. "I'm married and I have a husband." I replied. "It would be sad if Tommy saw these photos." said Sauli. "Leave us alone." I replied but he didn't listen. "I've heard that my son has a girlfriend and she don't know who his real father is." said Sauli. "He will tell her when he's ready." I replied.

"Call Tommy and tell him you want to separate or I'll make it pity about your stepson's reletionship." said Sauli threatened. I picked up my phone and called him. "Hey Adam." said Tommy happily. "I want to divorce because I don't love you anymore. I've never loved you and I faked my feelings all the time. To marry you is the biggest mistake I have made in my life." I replied and hung up. What have I done?

Sauli is so mean and he don't know what true love is. I hope you liked this chapter.


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