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I don't know how, or why, but she humored me with her presence and we had spent the rest of the evening talking. Her friend had found someone to dance with and we had propped up the bar. I couldn't really recall what we spoke about but I know the conversation had flowed easily. We shared an interest in movies and music and we had even been to the same university. How our paths hadn't crossed before that night I will never know.

'It must be fate.' She suggested with a smile. I agreed.

I was feeling rather intoxicated, not only by the vast amounts of alcohol we had consumed, but just by her. I found it hard to concentrate because all I wanted to do was sweep her off her feet and kiss her. I so badly wanted to, but the awkward side of my brain couldn't pluck up the courage to, despite the drunk side having a very good try.

For the first time ever in my life I felt I had made a good impression on someone. She laughed when I said something funny, and listened intently as I told her about myself. She wouldn't talk about herself much, keeping herself a mystery. It only put fuel on the fire in my chest. By midnight I couldn't stand it any longer.

'I hope you don't think I'm being too forward but would you-' I hadn't finished my sentence before she nodded.

'Lets go.' She had grabbed by hand and pulled me quickly out of the bar. I couldn't quiet believe what was happening. The record company had paid for rooms in a nearby hotel. She had flashed me her room key and explained that she and her friend had planned on staying out all night. I suddenly realised I hadn't told anyone where I was going. I doubted they'd even noticed I'd been gone half the night.

We practically ran down the road, hands still locked together, giggling. I felt such a rush of adrenaline. Of course this wasn't the first time I had met a girl in a club, I'd had my fair share of flings, just never any feeling like this before. I was captivated by the way her long blond hair blew behind her as she ran. She looked back at me, only feet behind, with such a mischievous grin on her face. I could barely wait to kiss her.

She let us into the building with her key card, shushing us with a finger on her lips. There was no one around except the staff on the reception. We must've looked a state. But I was sure the staff had seen their fair share of Friday night frolics.

She hit the button to call the elevator and we both tried to catch our breaths. I watched the numbers above the doors count down so painfully slowly from fifteen. I couldn't wait any longer. I had to kiss her. Now.

I took her other hand and brought her closer to me. She was grinning up at me, her brown eyes full of anticipation. I lent down as slowly as I could bring myself to and finally... Our lips met. There would've been fireworks and a spark had we not been so drunk. There certainly were butterflies deep down in my stomach. I couldn't help but put my hand on the back of her neck, running my hands through those soft locks.


We moved into the elevator as one, and she struggled to press the floor number without breaking our connection. I laughed, she laughed and we drew apart. There was a funny moment where we both just grinned at each other. She shook her head with a smile. I couldn't take my eyes off her.

I couldn't believe I had found the love of my life.

We had crashed into her room, thankful that her friend hadn't come back yet. In lightening speed I had taken her black dress up over her head as she undid my jeans with precision. I ran my hands over her breasts and she had sighed out loud. I wanted to caress every inch of her, down to the scar across her stomach. I hadn't really paid attention to that at the time, so over taken by the moment and the need to have her.

We spent the night enjoying, not necessarily passionate and mind blowing, but very good nonetheless, drunken sex. I had thought she was perfect before, but now I was sure. I had to keep her. If I could've married her right then, I would've.

Yet the serenity was shattered when I awoke the next morning, alone. At first I thought I had imagined it all. It was when I realised I was indeed in a hotel room, naked and alone, that she had slept with me and left. It was normally me doing a runner before the girl woke to notice what a horrible mistake she had made.

I felt truly mortified. Had I been that bad? I sat myself up and looked around. She hadn't even left a number, a note, nothing. And then to make matters so much worse, her friend must've come back during the night, as she was sleeping soundly in the next bed.

Never had I snook out of a situation so quickly or quietly. I needed to get out with my tail between my legs without any awkward conversations. I couldn't believe this had happened to me.

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