1 • Past Vs. Future

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It had been three month since Kris was arrested! They won't let her call, let me visit or any fucking thing at all. No one was telling us anything at all. I haven't even spoken to anyone, I don't wanna speak to anyone but Kris! I laid in bed and all I could hear and remember is the police officers


I don't understand why she is in jail and not me! I should be there with her! This is all bullshit! The fact of the matter is that, who ever snitched on her was someone close, so I don't trust non of these mother fuckers until Kris is back home and in my arms.

Knock knock

"Who is it!" I opened the door it's Rico and Jason

"What you y'all want? " I stood in the door way

"Girl let us the fuck in" Rico said pushing past me with Jason

"First and foremost, Ash none of us snitched on Kris, so you can stop with your bullshit ass attitude" Jason slammed my door closed

"Right" Rico added

"Why the fuck would I turn her in? Huh, why would Rico turn her in huh?, Dime and Sky Lola and my own fucking cousin Dez?" Jason questioned me

"I didn't say y'all fucking did turn her in did I no...." He cut me off

"Fuck you, ash the only mother fucker new to this is you...." I cut him off slapping him

"How fucking dare you, come in my fucking house, try to imply I fucking turned in the only mother fucker I had that loved me! I don't have nobody at all here, I don't have family, cousin, aunts and shit, no one at all j...." I busted out crying

"Look ash, stop crying" he grabbed me holding me in the kitchen

"You got all of us here for her and for you also, we always going to be here not matter what!" Jason was trying not to cry himself

"I know but, I just feel like why is all this drama happening to us? I don't understand this shit"  I cried

"We gone figure it out I promise, I got connects that I have been already working on Ash" Rico said answering his phone

"I can't even see her or even talk to her at all, what kind of shit is that!" I said walking to the couch

"You've got to be fucking kidding me" Rico yelled into his phone

"What's wrong nigga" Jason asked him

"Iight thanks man imma hit you back, man why the fuck my sister Nina, knows Kris supposedly from a one night stand in California, and I guess it ain't go how she wanted, and she came here thinking she visiting me but, she was here to see her sister who is now paralysed, which is Courtney from the party that Kris had" Rico said in one breath

"A ONE NIGHT STAND"I screamed getting up

"The Courtney girl that ash had to snatch up" Jason asked

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