39 • Peace

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I'm sleeping in the couch, and I just feel my phone vibrates over and over and over. I look at its Jason, I don't feel like fucking talking plus my fucking mouth hurts like a bitch.

Jason just keeps calling, it's like fucking 2 in the morning. And he keeps calling, I already know what he wants.

"What Jason" I answered the phone

"What did you do Kris?" He asked

"I slapped her!" I admit, laying down

"Kristina, you know you can't be putting your hands on her" he sounded so disappointed in me

"I was mad, I was so angry at what I saw, I tried not to but I did" I started crying for real

"Damn Kris" he was so disappointed

"I know, then she punched me in the mouth, my lip was bleeding every where it's all on her couch now, it's just a mess I'm a mess Jason" I cried laying there

"You have to never hit her again, you can't do that Kris and you know that man, I love both of y'all and this needs to stop now" he said

"I understand..."he interrupted me

"I know you do but you need to do it and not just understand, and stop crying Kris, y'all gone be okay. Get some sleep I was just making y'all y'all didn't kill each other!" He joked

"I know Jason, I'm going to call the therapist I told you about Monday morning" I told the truth wiping my face

"Get some sleep Kris" he said

"Thank J. Good night" I said before hanging up

I just sat the bloody towel, on the floor next to me and took my shoes, and clothes off and laid back on the couch. I could feel how fucking swollen my lip was. My fault I should have never hit her.

I finally went back to sleep, when I felt something sitting on the edge of the couch.

"Ah" I jumped a little till I seen it was ash

"Wasn't trying to kill you Kris" she said

"I." She cut me off

"I was just coming to get you to get in the bed, let me see your face" she cut the lamp on

"Damn" the light was so bright, I closed my eyes as she touched my lip

"Ugh" she got up and walked to the kitchen

I just laid there not even trying to move not one bit. I didn't care about my face, I just hoped I didn't leave a mark on hers and I'm glad I didn't. Ash finally came back with ice

"Here" she put the ice on my lip

"Thank you" I said, she rolled her eyes at me

"Why you was crying?" She asked

"Cause I hit you, I hit you in the face!" I said

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