10 • Truths

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Words cannot describe how much I have missed Kris! Now she is home! I'm not going to let her go no where ever again! I was going though it without her, it's like I was all by myself and that's what I don't want. But now I have to tell her what happened to her garage and to her car. This should be fun right!

I woke up around 8 am, snuggle up next to Kris and she was knocked out, I can tell she haven't gotten no real sleep and I wasn't going to wake her either, she needed her sleep. I started making something to eat so when she does wake up she can have some food ready for her. But then someone was knocking on the door

Knock knock

"Who is it" I yelled

"Jason" I opened the door

"Kris sleeping, wassup?" I asked walking back to the kitchen to finish

"I wanted to talk to you?" He sat down at the island

"Oh, okay about what?" I asked

"I wanted to actually apologize for implementing that you snitched on Kris!" He said

"Oh well it's whatever" I started to mix up eggs

"Ash, it's not okay at all, I love you man, you became apart of our little family we have! I should have known better knowing you didn't have anyone well atleast you felt you didn't have anyone besides Kris" he said flipping the pancakes

"Well, Jason it's okay..."he cut me off

"Look, ash you are always going to have Kris, and me and everyone else we all love you man, not one of us knew what to do when Kris went away, we felt hurt okay, your never alone alright!" He turned to me and I gave him a real hug

Me and Jason has fought alot lately, and I couldn't stand it. But I didn't feel like I had anyone else. But now I see that I will always have them no matter what Kris or no Kris! And I'm happy about that.

"I just wanted to make sure you know we always got your back Ash alright" he looked at his phone

"Thanks Jason, i appreciate it, I truly do" I smiled

"Okay enough with all that mushy shit, tell Kris to hit me up when her broken ass can" we laughed as I walked him to the door

"Okay I will bruh" I closed the door behind him

As I finished cooking the food,  and I sat Kris plate to the side and waited for her to wake up. I haven't talked to sky, I wondered if she still mad at me for the other night I was drunk. I'll call her

Ring Ring

"What Ash" she sounded all dry and annoyed

"I miss you sky" I was eating

"Nope, you not fooling me" she had an attitude

"Sky I'm sorry okay, I'm sorry for my attitude, you have to realize how you speak to me bruh!" I said putting my plate in the sink

"You shouldn't be drunk driving Ashlandra" she yelled

"Okay sky I get it I was hurting I didn't know what else to do, okay I didn't know all of y'all would be there for me like Kris would have okay I'm sorry shit sky" I said putting the dirty dishes now in the dishwasher

"Okay fine, I missed you to stupid, and of course I will always have your back Ash, just like I have already been doing" I could feel her smile through the phone

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