34 • My Love

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I am going to lose my mind, I miss her to fucking much, I haven't talked to anyone. How could I just leave her knowing she has all this shit going on with her! I thought as I sat in the room with the therapist.

"Kris are you there"  Dr Laura asked

"Yes, sorry I was just thinking" I responded

"About what?" She asked

"I miss her so much!" I said

"Kris, to be honest, out solved the only problem you had when you came to me two weeks ago! And that was about your uncle, you have made to much progress with that. You can go home anytime, you need to realize that y'all relationship is going to be equal!"

"I know that, I don't know what I'm doing wrong" I asked

"It's your doing wrong you just need to know that she's in your corner and she wants to be there, whether she took her ring off or not " she said closing her notebook

"I see, thank you for this time I have had to speak with you, about my life!" O smiled shaking her hand

"Take, my card and call me anytime, whether you are hear or not"  she smiled

I took her card and left her office, felling better! I missed Ash so much. But do I go home, and face whatever rath she has! I went back to the truck, and pulled my phone out and waited for it to turn on!

I had so many voicemails, texts, dms, from people but the ones I cared about was from Ash, I only wanted to talk to her. As I thinking of her, my phone rings, and I pick it up on habit

"I'm gone fuck you up nigga"  JSON voice ran through the phone

"Look, I know I'm sorry Jason, I had to leave, I couldn't take it no more,..." I said driving back to the ranch to pack

"So you run off with Gabby stupid ass?" He screamed

"Gabby?, What you mean?" I responded

"Nigga , you was so mad at ash you left with Gabby" he repeated

"Nigga, why would I do that, I love ash I would never do that to her" I yelled

"Hm, man where the fuck are you?" He asked

"I'm in Wyoming, and who fucking told you that" I said pulling up to the ranch

"Bru Wyoming, outta all places, you choose the whitest one hahaha" he busted out laughing

"You found a big booty white ch...."I cut him off yelling

"Jason who fucking told your ass that shit?" I asked going in the ranch

"Gabby met with ash, Gabby told ash, ash almost ripped her head off , ash told dime who told me" he said

"WHAT, why the fuck would Gabby need to see Ash for. This dumb bitch I told her I would fucking kill her"  I yelled

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