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As soon as I hoped off that plane I went right to my house, my phone was dead, so I put it on the car charger, ad turned it on. U heard it beep but I didn't check to see who it was , as I was driving.

I finally pulled in to my driveway as the hats closed behind me. I got out and looked at my phone it was a text from Jason I didn't open yet, and the time it was now was, 7 pm.

"Hey, Kris" I turn to see Alex at my gate

"Yeah what's good" I asked

"Umm, ash told me to tell her if someone be around y'all house, I haven't seen her or heard back from her, but there has definitely been some chick around y'all gate!" She said

"Damn what she look like" I asked

"Light skin, cut as hell, golden hair" she described Gabby to me

"Aww stupid bitch" I yelled

"Aye if you need anything let me know, I know my way around the system, if you know what I mean hit me up ash, got my number" she walked away

"Thanks Alex" I yelled

I looked at my phone and Jason texted telling me to meet him at some Reno restaurant tonight. But first I'm going to ash house I have to fucking see her, but I'm still mad at her. But Dr Laura said, we have to talk


I finally made it to ash, condo. And I went up to her door, since it was raining out I had on my black hoodie with the hood on. I took out my key and opened the door, and the next fucking thing is I'm being yanked by my damn good and thrown to the fucking ground

"Who the fuck are you?" Some man asked, pinning me on my stomach with my hands behind me

"Get the fuck off my bitch"I yelled

"Why are you at this door!" He pinned he harder

"I can't breathe"I gasped for air

"What the fuck" I heard dime annoying voice

"Please go back inside" the guy said

"Yo Ealy get the fuck off of her" dime pushed him off

"I grabbed my throat gasping for air"

"Ealy get the fuck back dog" dime helped me up

"What the fuck dime, when y'all get security so fucking tight around this bitch" I rubbed my throat

"Long story, ain't you supposed to be meeting Jason?" Dime asked

"Yeah, but ash..."she cut me off

"Oh yeah she ain't here she left, couple minutes ago" dime pointed

"Damn okay, see you" I ran off

I'm The Girl Next Door |SEQUEL|Where stories live. Discover now