7 • My Mistakes

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I fucked up, I know this big time. I didn't go out to try and get drunk, not make out with some random girl! That's just what ended up happening, I'm so stressed, I haven't heard from the lawyer at all so I'm just like fuck is going on. After I went home from the hospital, I just texted Kris phone over and over I knew she wasn't going to respond but I needed to tell her how I feel

Me - I miss you so much you have no idea how I'm dealing with this shit

Me - I've can't stop thinking about you at all, I barely sleep, I don't do anything, I'm always fighting with everyone

Me - I just need you to hurry up and come back to me

Me - I hope your staying strong in there like I know you can..

Me - please don't be getting into flights for any reason, I want you back to me safe

Me - I love you Kristina

I just sat there waiting for her to respond but she never did and she wasn't going to either.

I felt like shit, I basically cheated on her by kissing this girl, and I wasn't about to tell her over no text messages either, that is a no no. I already did enough damage as it is.


I got her garage fixed but her rolls Royce was fucked up and so was my car, she is definitely going to be pissed at me so much. Hopefully she loves me enough to not notice it or I find a shop who can fix it ASAP for me.

I haven't even seen that girl Alex since the day in the hospital, I've been being a creep looking out Kris windows next door to see if I see her to tell her thank you for helping me. But I've yet to see her, so I'll just wait cause I'm not knocking in her door that's for sure.

I'm cleaning around Kris house cause I been here for a couple days and Maria is final on her vacation which she so deserve, I get a call from Mr Johnson, but I missed it and I tried to call back a billion times but he never picked up. He said he would call when her courtdate came up and there was good news, but now I'm freaking out.


So, today is finally my courtdate and I'm just now seeing a nurse about what happened today's ago. They all gone catch hell from my lawyer watch! I have five broken ribs, shortness of breath, sprang wrist, busted lip, minor black eye, brusies on my chest, back and stomach and thighs. Y'all I held my own but I got fucked up.

After I was finally seen by the nurse, I was taken to  the Miami Dade Courthouse for my trial of course escorted by Officer Brown.

"See what happens when you did obey me" she grinned walking me in the courthouse

"Man whatever, just know you not gone have no fucking job" I snatched away from her

"No one lawyer is that good, you'll be back at my house before noon little bitch" she smiled walking me in the courtroom to see my lawyer and other people in there

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